Chapter 21

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“Louis, come on why don’t we go to my room and we can talk about this.” Harry said sympathetically. I nodded, still weeping, I began to stand up but it wasn’t necessary. I felt hands reaching underneath my legs and lifting me into the air. Harry held me tightly in his arms. He carried me into the room and kicked the door closed. I didn’t even look back to see if Liam and Zayn were still there all I did was gaze up at my boyfriend. Harry put me gently onto the bed.

“Don’t cry Lou,” Harry wiped away rolling tears from my face. “You know if we ever broke up for good I would never stop loving you. It’s not possible to stop loving you.”

“Then why do you want to break-up.” I cried.

“It’s not a break-up just see it as taking a break. We can be friends for a while and just discover that thing that led us to being a couple.” Harry stood over me as I sat up on the bed.

“I don’t want to Harry. I need to be able to wake up and kiss you in the morning. I need to be able to spontaneously have a make-out session while watching TV. I need to be able to love you.” I whimpered.

“Boo, you haven’t noticed but…you haven’t been doing that lately.” Harry hesitated staring me deep in the eyes. “All we have is arguments where you tell me to shut up or that I’m doing something wrong and I can’t help but feel like you don’t want me around most of the time. It’s like you want me to be seen but not heard or something…”

It felt like tiny little knives were piercing through my mind and heart.

“Harry, I didn’t realise I made you feel like that.” I stopped weeping and was able to talk clearly and in control. “I’m an idiot. I’ve ended up taking out my anger on other things out on you. I don’t mean to do it and Harry if you just give me a chance I promise it won’t happen again. I can’t lose you Hazza.”

Harry sighed and sat next to me on the bed simply staring at the wall.

“Lou, if we do carry on with this relationship, I don’t want to be hurt tomorrow by you shouting at me. I’m sick of seeming like a weak little boy just because I cry when you shout at me. I can’t take it when you shout, I love you too much and when you get angry I get scared.” Harry confessed.

“I won’t do it again babe.” I placed my finger under his chin and turned his head to face mine. “I love you Harry Styles.”

“And I love you Louis Tomlin-

His voice was stopped by my lips smashing onto his. I wasn’t being rough…actually this was probably the gentlest I’ve ever been with anyone and it felt amazing. Just feeling how soft Harry’s lips were on top of mine was like heaven. He sighed gently into my mouth and when his mouth slightly opened I took that as my opportunity to let my tongue raid his mouth. Harry surprised me by being the forceful one. His tongue followed mine. His lips frantically kissing mine. His hands fumbled to unbutton my jeans so I helped him. He broke our passionate kiss.

“Lou, I think I’m ready.” Harry said with a cheeky grin.

“I think you are too.” I replied.

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