Chapter 9

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Was I being childish?

Was I being unfair?

My heart told me no but my mind shouted yes. I was upset, that is a valid reason, right?

Should I apologise? Wait! I didn’t do anything wrong. Harry did. I’m the victim in all of this. Why am I even questioning myself?

I curled up in the lonely double bed wishing that my life was over. I didn’t want to be a part of this ‘thing’ that we call life. If I had to be put through this it definitely wasn’t worth it. Not having the courageousness to actually do something about it, I decided to grab my phone and start tweeting.

Can I just disappear?

Instantly there were re-tweets, favourites and questions about how I’m feeling.

I hope Karma really works

I was greeted with more questions than before, fans desperately wanted to know what was wrong but I just felt like tweeting a bunch of stuff, maybe someone would give me good advice that could help my situation.

I’m glad I have the people like @EleanorCalder to pick me up when I fall

That was the last tweet I sent before I started to get worried. What if Harry sees that? Should I care? If I deleted the tweet it would look suspicious. I decided to leave it and start looking at other people’s tweets. I went to Eleanor’s twitter first and it said ‘Loving my man endlessly.’

Seeing the tweet made me feel a bit sick, I just wished that she’d tell me before she does this stuff. I left her page and regretfully went to Niall’s page, next would be Harry’s. Niall’s last tweet was sent 20 seconds ago it read ‘I don’t know why I do these things. I just wish the world could stop’Niall was acting like the victim, people were feeling sorry for him and I was the one who was heartbroken. I bet if they knew the story they wouldn’t be so eager to take Niall’s side. I switched quickly to Harry’s before I started to get mad. His was 2 seconds ago; I was shocked that he had actually tweeted this for the world to see.

‘@LouisTomlinson I wish I could change things. I wish I could make you see the truth. I would never lie to you, you are my best friend and my…other things… but I don’t think we are that way anymore. I love you Lou and if you would forgive me I would love to just have you back. Boo-Bear you light up my world like nobody else. <3’

My eyes began to water but I was determined not to let tears fall again. I was being stupid! I needed to talk to Haz! This was all Niall’s fault and I wouldn’t let him take my Hazza away. I escaped my room ready to take back what was mine. I stormed into the living room and was met with depressed faces, none of which were Harry. Liam, Niall and Zayn were relaxing on the couch. Niall was sitting on one sofa by himself with tears streaking down his face as he looked through his phone. Zayn and Liam were sitting as a couple; Zayn’s head was resting on the comfort of Liam’s shoulder. Zayn looked upset while Liam looked mostly angry. They all looked at me as I came out the room. Niall was the first to come to me.

“Louis, I am so sorry! It wasn’t Harry’s fault. He didn’t do anything wrong but I am still really sorry. I was being a dick and a horrible friend.” Niall exclaimed through showering tears.

“Don’t ever speak to me again. We will pretend everything’s fine for the cameras but…you are no longer my friend.” I said calmly. I didn’t want to lose my composure. I wanted to keep calm for Harry, he is what I need. I forcibly shoved past Niall and headed in the direction of Harry’s room. The closer I got to the door the faster my heart beat. I could feel the guys staring me down as I made my way to his room. When I got to the door I didn’t hesitate, I swiftly opened it, stepped inside and slammed the door behind me. Harry’s face was buried into his pillow and I could hear his muffled sobs.

“Liam, I’m not going back in there. He hates me. Let me just die!” Harry sobbed.

“I don’t hate you.” I whispered. Obviously Harry didn’t hear me because he kept on his rant to Liam.

“I just want to leave and never come back! I hate Niall! I wish we were never put together. I wish I never would have even auditioned for X-Factor!” Harry sobbed loudly.

“Then you wouldn’t have met me.” I spoke louder. Harry immediately shot his head up from his tear soaked pillow and the look he gave me…well, it was indescribable. I’ve never seen such a contented but depressed look on a human beings face.

“Louis!” Harry ran into my arms embracing me in a near bone-crushing hug. I hugged him back; it shocked me because after all that had happened I still let Harry into my arms.

“L-Louis I-I’m S-S-S-Sorry!” Harry sobbed into my shoulder. I made soft shushing sounds to calm him down while I stroked his amazing curls. I thought I was never going to feel those incredible curls again.

“I forgive you Haz.  I always will.” Harry cried even more into my shoulder as my tears were lost beneath his beautiful locks.

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