Chapter 2

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Liam drove Eleanor home. Before she left she packed whatever belongings she had left here and put on her shades. It covered up her tears well. As she left she held her head up high and didn’t even bother glancing back at me. Harry stood by my side the whole time, constantly burying his head into my neck for comfort and protection. I couldn’t help snuggling with him, he was just too cute. When the door finally closed behind Eleanor I couldn’t help feeling a sense of loss. Maybe it knew that I was really gay. Maybe it was the fact that I would never have feelings for another girl again or another boy for that matter, I have Harry. I wasn’t sure how to cope with this…we had to come out to everyone before Eleanor decided to do it for us.

“Can we take a walk?” I whispered to Harry. I knew that Niall or Zayn would probably offer their company. Harry nodded solemnly, expecting bad news.


We got to a lonely park and sat down on the grass.

“What did you want to talk about?” Harry asked me innocently. I almost didn’t want to bring up the topic of ‘coming out’ so I decided on a different approach. We were both lying on our backs gazing up at the clouds but with one swift movement I climbed on top of Harry crushing our lips together. Our bodies were entangled and I heard him gasp as I began to move my hips slightly. He kissed me deeper and I grasped his curls making him moan sensually. Knowing that calmed him down I pulled away, laying back in my original position. He whined in disapproval.

“Sorry, Haz but we do need to talk…um…I was wondering, how we are going to come out to everyone” Harry gave me an odd look which indicated he was as unsure about this as I was. He softly bit his bottom lip in concentration. He looked so god-damn sexy when he was trying to think.

“We could just start out small. Like go public places together and then when people start to get it the message.” Harry said. I thought about it, it sounded like an easy enough idea. “Lou, what if Eleanor comes back for you or she tells the press horrible stuff about our relationship.” Harry’s eyes grew wider as the possibilities of us being torn apart increased. The worry in his voice was setting off alarms in my head.

“Hazza, what did I say to you at the house?”

His eyebrows knitted together as he tried to think what important messages I told him.

“That if you’re on top it’s good for us both.”

“No, Haz.”  I said laughing. “What did I tell you today?”

“Uh… We will be together no matter what?” Harry said uncertainly.

“Yeah Haz and I mean it. I love you Hazza.” I was gazing into Harry’s amazing green eyes as they connected with mine.

“I love you too Boo-Bear.” Harry said grabbing my hand. Our fingers interlaced and I just wished that we could be this happy forever.

Harry and I stared into each other’s eyes for almost 20 minutes just goofily smiling. It would have gone on for longer if we weren’t disturbed. I was the first to hear the camera snap and immediately jumped up.

“Boo-Bear, what’s wrong?” Harry stood up beside me, looking around to see what I was trying to find.

“There’s someone here and they’re taking pictures.” I looked around defensively and there he was, a fat bald paparazzi man, trying to take pictures of me and my boyfriend. Just as I was about to wreak havoc over the intruder Harry grabbed my hand which just encouraged the guy to take more pictures.

“Let go Harry!” I shouted. Harry immediately let go. He looked shocked. No shocked isn’t the word, he looked mortified. I had just shouted at him for holding my hand. Harry took off for the apartment. He ran fast and straight. I had to run after him, it was my fault. He didn’t run fast enough and I caught him.

“Haz, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” I said trying to hug him. He pushed me away and wiped away angry tears from his eyes.

“No you were thinking and you didn’t want me to hold your hand because the dude was taking pictures!” Harry’s voice rose to a shout which attracted attention of passers-by and once they realised who we were they stopped to watch.

“Harry, don’t say that. I wasn’t trying to do that and you know it. I was just pissed that whenever we want private time there is someone watching us. Now can we go and discuss this at the apartment?!” I tried to make my voice as hushed as possible but the irritation of having a public argument was getting to me.

“I have an even better idea. Why don’t we not talk about it at all?” Harry ran from the scene leaving me there looking like horrible boyfriend.

“Run after him!” A lady shouted from the large forming crowd. I followed her advice and ran all the way to the apartment where I knew Harry would be. I wanted to explain to him that I wasn’t ashamed of holding his hand; I was too focused on wanting to beat that guy up. He caused this and I doubt he felt guilty, he’s probably out selling the pictures to whatever magazine will take them and that’s probably all of them.

I broke through the door of the apartment but I didn’t just see Harry. Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Paul, Eleanor, Simon and some strange woman in a suit were all sitting there staring at me as I entered the door. Harry was crying into Niall’s chest and Simon looked regretfully at me.

“Louis, why don’t you come in and sit down?” Simon said formally. I hesitantly sat and braced myself for the news.

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