Chapter 5

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It was the day of the interview. I was anxious and to be honest, a little scared. We were all prepared for the interview and we were told it was going to be at the Daybreak Studio, it wouldn’t be the first time we were there so hopefully it wouldn’t turn out as bad as I expect it to. All morning Harry had been running his fingers through his curls in angst. I tried to speak to him and comfort him but he didn’t want to talk to anyone. We had to face rumours of ‘Larry’ in interviews before but now everyone had proper proof, people actually knew. The management knew and we were going to be questioned about it.

When the time came for all us to walk into the Daybreak Studio, the worry was evident on all of our faces. Paul took the lead, walking us to our dressing room. Niall and Harry were behind him and Liam, Zayn and I were behind them. We walked through with smiles plastered to our faces as we greeted the Daybreak staff. All of a sudden we were approached by a stern-faced woman.

“One Direction has 10 minutes to be on.” She commanded at Paul. He looked at her baffled. We had gotten there at a decent time; we shouldn’t have only 10 minutes.

“The boys should have more time than that. They just got here!” Paul said at a loss.

“10 minutes!” the stern-faced woman walked off, leaving us all there baffled. I gave her a nasty look as she passed me.

“We have enough time Paul. We’re going to stay in these clothes anyway.” I said. Paul nodded looking a bit irritated. We all rushed to make-up, the urgency washed away the worry we all had consumed.

“After the break we will have one of the #1 boy bands who have been running the music charts!” Lorraine Kelly (one of the Daybreak hosts) announced. The adverts never ran on for too long so we knew we didn’t have much time.

Luckily the make-up people were alerted of the urgency and didn’t waste any time.

“Good Morning, it is now 9:00am and we will be welcoming our next guests, the amazing One Direction!” Lorraine proclaimed. The guys and I all ran from the dressing rooms to the set. By the time we reached we were laughing and out of breath.

“What has happened to you boys?” Lorraine said noticing the state we were in. Her co-host, Aled Jones, laughed.

“Boys will be boys, Lorraine.” We were seated; the couch wasn’t big enough for all of us so two of us sat on high seats behind the normal couch. It was me and Liam and Niall, Harry and Zayn sitting on the couch. Once the arrangement was worked out the interview began.

There were normal questions about how we were getting on and how we felt about BSE beating Miley Cyrus's record to become the most viewed video on VEVO. We answered happily but then the topic got onto love lives.

“So, Zayn you are dating Perrie Edwards. How is that going?” Aled asked.

“It’s going great, a bit difficult at times when we are on tour because we don’t get to see each other as much as we’d like but we try and make as much time as possible to see each other.”

“Aww.” Lorraine cooed. “Will we be seeing a 1D wedding anytime soon?”

“Who knows!” Zayn laughed.

“What about you Liam? A man like you must have to beat the girls off with a stick!” Lorraine said grinning.

“No. Far from it really but I am actually seeing someone at the moment.” Liam said with a shy smile. I didn’t even know he was seeing someone.

“Are we allowed to know the identity of this lucky lady?” Lorraine smiled, hoping to get the exclusive.

“All in due time.” Liam said mysteriously. We all laughed at his secretiveness. I would have to ask him about this girl later.

“And Niall, how’s my little Irish stud doing with the ladies?” Niall grinned at the admiring comment.

“I’ve been doing okay. I have my eye on someone actually…” Niall said coyly. I saw him look at Harry for a second before returning his eyes back to the wondering hosts.

“And who is this girl?” Aled asked, goading Niall on.

“Well, this person doesn’t know that I like them but…I might say something soon.” Niall smiled.

“Ooh, please do! See, you heard it here first, Niall possibly having a little romance soon.” Lorraine squealed. “Additionally, we would like to discuss this ‘Larry Stylinson’ business. The last time you were here you said it was just a silly rumour but recently there has been an explosion and Larry Mania! We have a few pictures that have recently sprung in and a video that had been gaining thousands by the minute.”

The video came onto the screen. I watched myself running after Harry, pulling him back after our argument.

‘Haz, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.’

‘No you were thinking and you didn’t want me to hold your hand because the dude was taking pictures!’

‘Harry, don’t say that. I wasn’t trying to do that and you know it. I was just pissed that whenever we want private time there is someone watching us. Now can we go and discuss this at the apartment?!’

‘I have an even better idea. Why don’t we not talk about it at all?’

The video ended with Harry running off. I looked at Lorraine and Aled who were waiting patiently for Harry or me to explain this one.

“This-” I started but was quickly interrupted by Harry.

“This is just when Louis was having some family trouble and he was already being harassed about these rumours on the day and he was upset. We were joking around in the park like we usually do and then some guy started to take pictures. Lou got a bit mad and I tried to drag him back from getting in a fight but he was too peeved to concentrate. The guy obviously thought he would be getting some ‘Larry’ pictures but all he really got were bros.” Harry turned around to look at me from his seat giving me a cheesy smile.

“But Harry why were so angry in that video?” Lorraine asked. This time I spoke for both of us.

“It was more or less my fault.” I said before Harry had a chance to think of an excuse. “He offered to help me with my problems but I told him I didn’t need his help. I was being kind of a jerk that day…” I looked guiltily at my lap.

“So there is definitely no relationship between you two.” Aled asked.

“The only thing we can be guilty of is a bromance.” I chuckled. “He’s like a brother too me.”

Aled and Lorraine smiled warmly.

“Well, that’s all we have time for. Thank you boys for coming-”

“Thank you for having us!” We all said in unison.

“After the break we have Sally Dynevor from Corrie!” Lorraine finished smiling.

As soon as we were let off set I practically ran to the car. I was angry at myself, I was upset for Harry and I was glad that I had gotten through it and kept our careers safe. I was the first to get into the car and Zayn was the next, surprisingly he came and sat next to me. Everyone else, including Harry came in. Harry looked a bit disappointed that he couldn’t sit next to me.

“Boys, you all did great! Harry and Louis, I’m proud that you two got through it!” Paul spoke. We all cheered happily. I felt proud of myself for not letting everyone down but other feelings were creeping up. Something was telling me that this wouldn’t be the end of it all.

“Hey Lou, when we get back to the apartment I want to speak to you and Haz. Okay?” Zayn announced. Harry looked at me as if to ask what this was about but I looked away.

“Sure.” I said distantly.

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