Chapter 14

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Harry shot up and stared at me accusingly.

“Stan was your first time! Why didn’t you tell me?!” Harry yelled.

“Hazza, calm down babe.” I stepped towards him but he backed away. “Haz, I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d react like this. I told you my first time was horrible and it wasn’t as special as it will be with you. I love you not Stan.” I was trying to reassure him but he just violently shook his head. It was as if he imagining me and Stan together, he wanted the image out of his mind.

“No! You still love him. I know you do. You don’t love me!” Harry screamed.

“Harry calm down!” I ordered. “You are being irrational about this. If it was me in your situation I wouldn’t be acting like this all I would care about it the love we have for each other. Isn’t that what matters?” I stepped forward again but this time he didn’t move backwards. I risked stepping closer but realised it was safe. I walked up to Harry as calm as I could and I held hugged him tightly. His tender skin touching my clothes. He was shivering from the coldness. It was like a meat locker down here. “Haz, you need to start trusting me.”

“I do trust you.” He whispered. “It’s just that you’re experienced and I’m not. I don’t want you to get tired of me just because I can’t go at the same speed as you.”

“Harold, I don’t actually believe you think that. If I wanted you at the same speed I would have had sex with you a long time ago. I want to wait. I want everything to be special!” I said beaming. Harry pulled away from the hug and stared deeply into my eyes. I was once again captivated by his striking green eyes.

“Louis, when do you think I’ll be ready?” Harry asked innocently. Sometimes I just feel like wrapping this boy up in my arms forever and never letting go.

“We can talk about that later. Let’s get your clothes on.”


Harry and I stepped out of the secret club bedroom. Derek was still there and when he saw Harry walk out the hidden door he leaped to him, completely abandoning the person he was supposed to be serving.

“Are you okay? I’m really sorry I didn’t know that you were a…virgin.” He whispered the words virgin like it was some sort of dirty secret.

“No, it was my fault. I thought that what I was doing was right but it was completely wrong. I didn’t want to have my first time with a random guy…no offense.” Harry said timidly. I protectively wrapped my hand around his waist and he leaned his head, his curls gently touching the top of my head.

“None taken. If you ever want to hook up though I-

“He doesn’t want a hook-up.” I said sharply, cutting Derek from finishing his sentence. I held Harry’s hand pulling him out of the club.


“Lou! Haz!” Voices yelled for us but amongst the large crowd of celebs it was difficult to see. I ignored the calls and led Harry out. We finally got to the exit of the VIP section. Niall was sitting outside on the floor. He looked half-passed out.

“Ni, what happened?!” Harry said rushing to his side. Harry helped Niall up to his feet but struggled to keep him there.

“Harry, I’m so glad you’re alright! I was worried baby.” Niall said hanging onto Harry. What was it with people calling my man Boo and Baby? Was it steal Louis’ boyfriend day or something?

“Niall are you drunk?” I asked coldly. I didn’t really care…actually it was quite funny. Niall answered with a drowsy nod.

“Eleanor bought me a couple of drinks. She said they’d help her case. I didn’t know what that meant but she just said they would be good for me.” Niall slurred.

“Shit!” I exclaimed. That bitch probably put something 'extra' in his drink. How would this help her?! “Niall let’s get you back to the car, you need some res-”

Just as I was about to finish my sentence I was bombarded by Liam and Zayn both of them looked as if they had just run a marathon. Their clothes were completely messed up. Zayn was struggling to catch his breath and Liam looked dazed.

“I was calling you!” Liam hissed.

“Sorry! I didn’t hear you. Niall is drunk we need to get him home.”

“♪ May be surrounded by a million people I still feel all alone I just wanna go home ♪” Niall sang. People in the hall were turning to us and taking pictures. Some were even taking videos. Paul suddenly ran up. It was like a big dysfunctional reunion.

“Boys, we got to get you back now. There’s been some news and Simon is waiting at the apartment.” Paul said as he ushered us out. Niall needed both my help and Harry’s to get out of the club and when we did the paparazzi were having a field day. They were trying to taunt Niall to get a drunken reaction out of him. Harry had to stop him from almost striking one of the camera-men. Paul shoved through nosy paps and fans and hurriedly marshalled us into the car.

We all got into the car and finally we were able to calm down and relax.

“Louis, you’re friend Stan said he was sorry and can you call him tomorrow. He said you’d know what it’s about.” I nodded to Paul and ignored the burning gaze I was receiving from Harry. I immediately changed the subject as soon as the car started.

“So, Zayn where were you and Liam?” I asked with a slight smirk. I had very specific thoughts on what I thought they may be doing. Liam’s face reddened and he turned away from all of us looking out of the window smiling. He must have thought we couldn’t see him.

“We just…got a few drinks.” Zayn answered

“I didn’t see you at the bar.” I looked at Zayn in that knowing way but he pretended as if this were just another normal conversation.

“We were round the other side.” Zayn said abruptly.

“Zayn, you got Jizz on your trousers.” I said pointing near his crotch. Zayn hurriedly tried to wipe at his trousers before he realised there wasn’t actually anything there. Harry and I were practically on the floor laughing and both Zayn and Liam looked embarrassed.

Everything went silent as Zayn and Liam looked at each but quickly looked away. The awkward yet sweet silence would have carried on if it wasn’t for Niall and his damn drunk state.

“Louis! Where’s Stan!?” Niall exclaimed. “And why did you lock yourselves in the bathroom at the club?” Niall didn’t even give me time to answer before he passed out again. I tried to lightly laugh the situation away but all eyes were on me.

“Yeah Louis, why did you lock yourselves in the bathroom at the club?” Harry pressed.

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