Chapter 27

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Stan’s POV

Niall is right for me. I don’t need Louis anymore. I don’t need him in my life…but the thing is I don’t know how he’ll feel about this. Niall is becoming a special part of my life now but I don’t want to let go of Louis, we had a lot going on before and even he couldn’t deny that. We need to talk about this but I can’t get anywhere with his aggressive boyfriend again. I’m not looking to get knocked out.

Niall and I went to Nandos and I was so pleased just to see that he was willing to eat. I didn’t want to deter him by telling him that I was so proud of him or that I’m glad he’s getting over things, so I just sat there and ate with him. Now that I asked him to be my boyfriend he seems so much happier. He talked on and on about his family and friends and how his mum would love me. I smiled politely, all the while thinking about what Louis might say about this. We walked into Nandos like mates and stuff, not holding hands or kissing but so many girls charged up to Niall and begged for pictures and I heard one girl ask what he was doing with ‘Louis’ friend’ and Niall just ignored her. I don’t think he’s ready to go public yet but it probably isn’t as challenging as it was for Louis and Harry.

“Stan?” Niall said snapping me out of my thoughts. “Are you okay?” Niall touched my hand slightly before pulling it back. “Do you want to leave?”

“You haven’t even finished yet?” I said pointing at the dessert that the waitress had just brought him.

“You look kinda bored…if you want to go we can leave. I don’t mind.” Niall said.

“I’m not bored.” I said surprised. I was listening intently to everything that Niall saying whilst thinking about Louis and trying to ignore the looks from the many girls that had crowded near our table.

“I know I’ve been talking a lot so you must be pretty bored now.” Niall said taking a spoonful of his chocolate cheesecake.

“Niall, I couldn’t find you boring even if I wanted too. I just have a lot on my mind.” Niall nodded understandingly. “Have you talked to any of the guys?”

“No.” Niall said quickly. He stared down at his cheesecake. “I’m really full. Can we go back to your place?”

That was weird. I wondered why he was acting like that but all I said was, “Sure.”

Niall and I headed back to my house and as soon as we got there Niall jumped me. He pushed me up against the door frantically kissing me like his life depended on it.

“Niall, wait.” I said pulling back. “I wanted to talk to you first.”

“Sure.” Niall said breathing heavy. “What about?”

“Louis. Have you heard from him or maybe Harry or any of the other guys at all?” Niall moved into the living room and I followed him.

“I told you no. I haven’t heard from any of them.” Niall sighed. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair.

“Calm down, I was only asking. Don’t you think we should call them?” I stepped closer to Niall and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned his head away from mine looking anywhere else but my eyes.

“We don’t need to call them. I don’t need them. I have you.”

“Ni, you have me but you still need you friends. We both need to talk to them and let them know that we’re together. Don’t you think it’s important?”

“No, it’s not important. Why do we need those people?” Niall’s big blue eyes finally locked with mine and it made me instantly forget about arguing with him. Louis wasn’t worth fighting with my boyfriend about.

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