Chapter 12

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I had made a few phone calls in preparation for going to the club. I was about to take a comfortable snooze, as Zayn advised, so I could be all fuelled up for my partying later on but my nap was disturbed by charging knocks at the door.

“Come in!” I yelled feeling disgruntled. Liam burst through the door looking angry once again. How many times did this scene have to play?!

“You are fucking everything up! You and Harry were happy a few seconds ago and now you two are fighting again!”

“It’s not my fault; he’s the one who’s making things difficult.” I pouted.

“Louis, you are not a child. You need to tell him you are sorry. If you really can’t forgive Ni then just ignore him but don’t upset Harry. He’s crying again. You know how emotional he gets over you and you need to stop putting him in these situations.” Liam said strictly. I mumbled a few swear words under my breath.

“What was that?” Liam tested.

“N-Nothing.” I mumbled.

“That’s what I thought. Anyway, you’re going to go out there right now and console your depressed boyfriend. Oh…and Zayn told me about the whole clubbing deal later on. It’s a good idea; we can all just relax tonight. He’s already starting to relax; he came back into the living room and fell asleep straight away. I had to carry him to his room” Liam chuckled lightly at the image of Zayn. He kept the door open for me to exit with him. I sighed and made my way out of the bed. Liam was the problem-solver he always got things done.


I walked meekly into the den. Harry sat on the couch hugging his knees tightly to his chest. His curls fell gracefully over his forehead, he hadn’t done up his hair today but it still looked so sexy. He stared sombrely at his knees as if they were hissing words of hate. Niall was sitting next to him. Actually, I wouldn’t say next to him as it seemed like Niall was doing his best not to be to close or even look at Harry for more than 2 seconds. I liked it that way. Niall looked up at me but looked down scared. I ignored his fear and sat on the other side of Harry. I saw his head shake as if he was refusing something. I put my arm around his neck and felt him stiffen.

“Hazza, I’m sorry.” I lightly kissed his neck. “You were right I was being a jerk.” I kissed his neck again. “You’re not thick. I’m the thick one for being such a prat to you.” One more kiss. He turned to face me with tear filled eyes. In less than a week I had made my boyfriend cry 3 times. “I love you so much and if you forgive me I won’t be such a knob-head.” I smiled and he frowned.

“Are you sure? Because I think you’re just saying that so we stop fighting for now.” Harry said wearing that gorgeous pout of his. His bottom lip stuck out, all shimmery and pink. I moved to kiss his pouting lips and I was instantly rewarded with a smile.

“I love you and I hate fighting with you. I promise I won’t act out-of-control ever again.”

“I love you too Boo-bear.” Harry gave me a strong hug. I never wanted to let him go. Harry separated himself from me and I felt instantly lonely. He looked at me and smiled gloriously.

“Does this mean we are all friends now?” Harry asked hopefully. I briefly looked at Niall and he looked back shyly.

“Sure.” I sighed. “Niall?” He looked at me with hopeful, pleading eyes. “How about we get back to being friends again, eh?”


Niall nodded happily. I was only doing this for Harry; things wouldn’t be the same between Niall and me. I wouldn’t let him get as close to Harry as he did before. I wasn’t willing to lose him again.

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