Chapter 23

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Niall’s POV


Stan stood in front of me, with a concerned expression cast across his face. He had a black-eye and a healing cut was on his lip from his fight with Harry.

“What are you doing here?” Stan asked. His sturdy stature stood confidently in front of me. He was all wrapped up in ‘winter’ clothes seeing as today was one of the coldest days we’ve had all year. We had only talked a few times and I didn’t know much about Stan.

“N-nothing…I just had to get away from the guys.” I said not meeting his eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“I was debating whether I should go over and talk to Louis…but I don’t want to get beat up by Harry again. I come here quite a lot when I need to think about things since this park is always so empty.” I could feel Stan staring intently at me. “What happened with you and the guys?”

“It’s a long story.” I said shaking my head faintly. I could still hear Louis’ voice in my head. Why can’t he ever just leave me alone?

“I’ve got time.” Stan sat next to me on the steely bench. He was so close and I could feel his body heat through my clothes. Right now all I wanted was to be somewhere warm. I shivered feeling the effect of the cold autumn air and the teasing warmth of Stan’s body.

“You cold?” Stan asked. My teeth started to chatter as I nodded. Stan took of his burgundy jacket revealing a black long-sleeved shirt underneath. His scarf was still wrapped around his neck as he passed the jacket over to me.

“It’s fine. You’ll freeze without your jacket.” I said.

“Dude, if you don’t put this jacket on now you’re going to get hypothermia or something.” Stan thrust the jacket to me once more.

“Thanks…” I said before putting the jacket on.

I instantaneously felt warm having his jacket on and the warmth that he had left inside the jacket surrounded me like a heated blanket.

“So you gonna tell me what happened or are we going to stand here and freeze to death?” Stan sat back on the bench rubbing his hands together for warmth.

“Well, it started the other night…” And so I went into the whole ordeal explaining everything from when Eleanor offered me a drink to the moment when Louis ordered me to leave. “…and then I ended up in this park.” The tears had come back and before I knew it I was blubbering on a park bench, wiping my nose on Stan’s jacket.

“Wow, that’s rough. Louis can be kind of a dick sometimes.” He shook his head, probably thinking of Louis. “Where are you going to stay?”

“I don’t know. All I know is I can’t go back there, I just wish I can go to Mullingar and stay with my family...I’ll probably have to eventually since I’ll probably be kicked out of 1D.” I said through tears.

“Definitely not! Louis always said 1D wouldn’t even make it as a band if one of you lots were missing. Niall, you need to realise that you will forever be a part of One Direction. Not even Louis can change that.” Stan gently rubbed my back trying to ease my cries.

“T-Th-Thanks Stan.” I snivelled.

“No need to thank me. Since you don’t have a place to stay you might as well come and stay with me until things are sorted out. We can’t have you out here in the freezing cold.” Stan said with a warm smile.

“Stan, I can’t ask you to do that-”

“You’re not asking me anything. I am offering. Now come on, it’s cold and I feel like ordering some Chinese food.” Stan helped me up off the bench. He held his hand out for me to take and when my hand was in his everything inside me felt warm – it may have been because I was still freezing cold but the moment he let go my hand it left me feeling even sadder.

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