Chapter 30

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“We’ve been fucking played!” I growled. I paced around the living room, practically tearing my own hair out with irritation and anger. “I’m going to fucking kill her!”

“Keep your voice down.” Liam said exiting Niall’s room. “I just put Niall down for a nap; if he wakes up he’ll just get angry and start crying again.”

“He’s not a baby; we should just tell him what’s happening.” I said. Zayn and Harry were examining the letter carefully as if more hidden clues were about to jump out.

“I know he’s not a baby but we need to take care of him for now…he’s been through a lot and you know he has issues with people letting him down.” Liam explained.

“Everyone has issues Li. We all just have to deal with them.” I grumbled.

“Look, we should be talking about what to do now instead of having a petty argument about Niall.” Liam said straightforwardly.

“Ok, I think I should go and talk to Eleanor.” I said. Immediately Harry spoke up.

“No. You are not going over there. If she is the one who threatened Stan then I don’t trust her alone with you. What if it’s some kind of trap and she’s got Stan tied up somewhere?”

“Haz, this isn’t some action movie. She’s a spoiled little brat that needs to make other people’s lives a misery just because hers isn’t going the way she plans.” I knew that Eleanor was still hurting or she wouldn’t be going to all this effort and I was in no doubt that she had caused all this mess. She was the one after all who sent me the picture of Stan and Niall…she knew how I would react and I fell straight into that trap.

“Louis, Harry is right.” Liam said, earning a triumphant grin from Harry. “None of us trust her and she has enough money to make things happen to people.”

“So do we! Two can play her game!” I argued.

“Lou! We are not stooping to her level!” Liam shouted.

“What else are we supposed to do?!”


Silence fell upon us as we all thought about the next step. Zayn who had kept silent suddenly was brought to life.

“Let’s see where this started. You broke up with Eleanor at the club – then she got Niall drunk and took a video of him coming onto her. You and Ni got into a fight and you kicked him out and then he found Stan. You said Eleanor sent you the picture – so she was probably following them and she had that planned. She knew her next step from there. She wanted to break them up and leave Niall devastated.” I could practically see all the pieces being placed together; she was behind everything…all the disasters that have almost made the band split is her fault.

“Why would Niall breaking down help her?” I said baffled.

“She needs Niall to be heartbroken so that he won’t want to be in the band anymore. It’s obvious she’s just sick.” Zayn said disgustedly.

“I’m going to find her.” I grabbed my jacket and headed towards the door but before I could get my hand on the handle Harry jumped in my way. “Harry, get out of my way. I’m going to teach that bitch a lesson.”

“Lou, all she’s going to do is deny everything and then make you look like the bad guy.” Harry sighed. He ran his long fingers through his curls and looked at me tiredly. This whole thing was doing a number on all of us; we were exhausted and needed a lot of rest. It was only 6:00pm but since Niall was napping we should all get rest too.

“Fine. Why don’t we all just have a rest and when we get up we can be rejuvenated and think of a plan on how to show Eleanor Calder who’s boss.”

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