Chapter 8

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“Don’t worry Lou. You’re safe with me now.” Eleanor whispered into my ear. She held me in her arms while I cried. I could hear pictures being taken by random people. “Lou babe, why don’t we take you back home, alright?” I nodded, unable to speak. She held my hand tight and kissed me gently on the cheek (most likely for the pictures.) My mind felt like it was melting. I still didn’t understand what had just happened. I walked in on Harry cheating on me and then ran out into Eleanor’s arms. How did she suddenly just appear out of nowhere? I didn’t want to question her motives right now. She was the only shoulder I could cry on. She clung onto my hand while I put my head down, so people couldn’t see the tears still falling.

When we reached back to the apartment I instantly froze. I didn’t want to step back into that place.

“Babe, are you alright?” El asked as I stood in place staring up at the apartment. “Do you want to talk about what happened?” I shook my head slowly.  I wanted to talk about it. I wanted to scream about it, cry about it. I wanted to be angry but all that I had was sadness and guilt. It was my fault I drove my Harry away. “Come on Lou. We need to get you inside.” I didn’t understand why she was treating me so nicely after what I did. I let her lead me inside. We stopped outside the door. Eleanor knocked loudly and almost at an instant the door opened. Zayn stood in front of me; he immediately gave me a hug but just made me cry more.

“Niall told me what happened. Are you ok?” Zayn said withdrawing from the hug. All I could do was let tears fall to answer my question. Zayn nodded sympathetically, understanding how much I was hurting. Zayn looked down and saw my hand. It was still intertwined with Eleanor’s hand. He hadn’t noticed her there but when he did his mouth hung open in shock.

“Oh…Hi Eleanor. What are you doing here?” Zayn said uneasily.

“I was out shopping and then I saw him running down the street crying.” Eleanor explained. Zayn nodded a bit unsure of letting her enter our apartment. Zayn stepped aside to let us through. We stepped into the living room, Eleanor still gript my hand and Zayn was trailing awkwardly behind us. Liam, Harry and Niall were sitting on the sofa. Niall was sitting on a couch by himself crying into his hands. Harry was crying into Liam’s shoulder. Liam looked disappointedly at both of them. As soon as my feet hit the living room floor everyone looked up. Niall cried more and Harry leaped towards me. The tears tumbled down his pastel cheeks. He ran to hug me but I stepped back, I stood behind Eleanor not wanting Harry to touch me.

“Boo-Bear I’m sorry.” Harry whispered weepily. His tears, just like mine, seemed to be endless.

“He doesn’t want to talk to you.” Eleanor spat. I kept my head down, not wanting to see what his facial reaction would be.

“Bitch, you don’t have anything to do with this. You don’t get that Louis doesn’t love you.” Harry said cruelly.

“He doesn’t seem to love you anymore either.” Eleanor retorted. I didn’t want to be stuck here anymore. I just wanted to go to my room and cry.

“El, can we go to my room?” I asked my voice was thick with tears. I spoke quietly not wanting to cause anymore drama but Eleanor could still hear me.

“Sure babe.” I left the guys in the living room and quickly headed to my own domain.

Eleanor shut the door behind her as I collapsed onto the bed in a veil of tears.

“Lou, do you want to tell me what happened?” Eleanor sat on the bed gently rubbing my back as the tears spilt.

“H-H-Harry Ch-Ch-Cheated on me!” I stuttered through tears.

“Oh my god!” Eleanor sounded genuinely shocked. She must have thought we had an argument or something but it was much more than that.

“He cheated on me with Niall.” I exclaimed. The pain of letting those words out of my mouth was too much to bear. My heart literally felt like it was being torn apart. I clutched my chest. I felt like I was having a heart attack.

“He doesn’t deserve you Lou. You are the most amazing guy I have ever met. If Harry is going to cheat on you then obviously he isn’t the person you should be with.” Eleanor declared. I nodded; I needed someone to tell me something like that. It didn’t ease the pain but it was something I was yearning to hear. Suddenly there was an unexpected sharp thud of a knock on the door. Eleanor got up and opened it.

“Can I speak to Louis for a sec?” Liam asked.

“I don’t think he wants to speak to anyone right now.” Liam pushed past Eleanor and came right up to me. “He doesn’t want to speak to anyone!” Eleanor yelled.

“El, it’s okay.” I whispered. Eleanor huffed. “Can you give us a minute please?” Eleanor nodded uncertainly and walked out.

Liam sat next to me on the bed, awkwardly making himself comfortable.

“Are you okay?” Liam asked. It was kind of a stupid question.

“Of course, I’m not okay! The man who I loved and who I thought loved me cheated on me.” I yelled.

“Shh.” Liam said soothing me. “I know your feeling really broken right now. Harry feels the same. He and Niall explained to me what happened and I think you should hear him out. He feels terrible and I don’t want to see either of you like this. Come on. We can go out into the living room and discuss this like adults.” Liam was being very rational and acting like a proper adult should. Too bad that wasn’t what I wanted. I scrambled underneath my bedspread and refused to come out.

“Lou, stop being like this! If you love Harry you need to talk to him.” I shook my head under the covers, refusing to co-operate.

“If you won’t come to him then I’ll get him to come to you.” I quickly pulled the covers off myself and stared up angrily at Liam.

“I don’t want to see him Liam. What do you not understand about this? I watched him kissing Niall. I don’t want to ever speak to him again.” I said inflexibly. Liam just shook his head in frustration and walked out the room. I knew I was being difficult but it’s like no one understood my side. Everyone except Eleanor understood me. I waited for my fake girlfriend to re-enter the room but instead came the one person who I didn’t want to see. Harry.

Liam was guiding Harry into the room by his shoulders. He steered the hysterical Harry towards my bed and made him sit down. I couldn’t push him out the room, I felt too weak to run away again so all I could do was sit there and stare at my hands. The hands that once held Harry’s hands. The hands that once twirled those precious curls of his.

“Louis, please look at me.” His voice faltered and I could tell he was still crying but trying to stay strong enough to talk to me. I shook my head once again. “Lou, please forgive me. I didn’t do what you think I did. I didn’t cheat on you. I was angry when you wanted to talk to Zayn instead of me and I was being stupid and jealous so I went to Niall. I thought he would just cheer me up but he threw himself at me. At first we were just joking around, wrestling and stuff but then he started to get really feely and he kissed me. I swear I didn’t kiss back. I love you Boo-Bear, I can’t go on without you.” Harry finished with classic sobs. I didn’t believe his story; he made it up. I saw him kiss back. I saw his hands trailing up Niall’s legs. I saw it all and he’s telling me that it didn’t happen!

“Get out.” I murmured faintly.

“Louis please just let me-

“Get out now!” I shouted. I looked up, staring directly into Harry’s beautiful green eyes. My eyes filled with anger and hatred. His eyes were filled with guilt and tears. Harry left the room sobbing. Liam stood there at the end of the bed.

“You’ve really fucked things up Lou. What have you been fighting for lately? Harry. What has made you happy for so long? Harry. You need him and he needs you.”

“I don’t need anyone. Leave me alone.” I hissed.

“Fine, Louis. You don’t need anyone. Oh and by the way Eleanor left, she said something about a shoe sale.” Liam gave me one more repulsed look and left, slamming door behind him.

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