Chapter 4

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I left the room of pity and sorrow and was face with a living room full of people. Paul sat there having a serious talk with Zayn and Niall sat with Harry trying to make him feel better…Liam was no-where to be found. I began my walk over to Harry and Niall who were sitting cross-legged on the sofas but before I could reach them I was called over by Paul.

“Louis, can we have a little talk please?” Paul said firmly. I sat next to Zayn and he moved further away from me. “Zayn, want’s to share some of his feelings about what is going on.” Paul sounded like a therapist.

“I don’t need to say anything.” Zayn said crossing his arms.

“Zayn.” Paul warned.

“Fine, I don’t think what you and Harry are doing is fair to us. I don’t have anything against gays but I don’t agree that my friends are now being so open about it. I preferred when you kept it to yourselves.” Zayn said speedily. Even though his words were flying at me I was able to catch every single one of them. It hurt that my own friend didn’t understand. Zayn was so close to me and he didn’t agree with me being gay, I wasn’t outraged or ready to fight…I was just disappointed.

“Zayn, are you homophobic?” I asked. Zayn looked towards his feet and then up at Paul for an answer but Paul just looked at him as if to ask the same question.

“I-I-I don’t know. I love you and Harry I really do…you guys are my friends and I wouldn’t change you guys but this thing that you two are doing…I’m just not used to it.” Zayn rubbed at his temples like this was a troubling topic. It was more troubling for me than him. Paul stepped in again.

“Louis, is there anything you would like to say about how Zayn feels?”

“Yeah there is. I don’t really give a crap what you think of me and Haz. If you were my friend you would be happy for us that we’ve got each other. Liam and Niall are happy, why can’t you be?” I got up not letting Zayn bother answering my question. I heard Paul call me back but I couldn’t be bothered to stay around the homophobe anymore. I crossed to the couch nearer to the TV which held Niall and my love Harry.

Harry didn’t even look up when I stood over him. He just continued to chat to Niall like I wasn’t there. Luckily Niall wasn’t blanking me and briefly stopped the conversation.

“Hi, Lou. Do you want to join us?” He made a space between him and Harry.  I sat down, oddly feeling like the third wheel. “Haz, why don’t you tell Louis what you just told me?” Niall suggested. Harry turned away from both of us; he looked off towards the blank TV as if it was the most entertaining thing in the world.

“Haz, stop being such a baby!” I said exasperated. I’d had enough, we needed to talk about us and what we were going to say at tomorrow’s interview and he was being a child. “We need to talk…if you care about our relationship at all you’ll talk to me.” Harry turned around slowly, wearing an adorable pout on his face.

“I still haven’t forgiven you from before.” His pout stayed like a permanent fixture.

“I know but I don’t know how many times I have to say I’m sorry. What happened earlier links with the reason that I couldn’t hold your hand. We don’t get any privacy, I’m not scared or embarrassed to hold your hand in public…actually it’s far from it. I would love to walk down the street being able to say ‘Look at my gorgeous boyfriend!’ but it’s the fact that people are sneaking around like we have some dirty secret to hide…I can’t take it and now that they are making us choose between having love or having ‘happy’ success, it’s all too much.” I let out a heavy sigh and Harry’s pout was wiped from his face. Niall and Harry both looked at me but their expressions were unreadable.

“What are we going to say tomorrow?” Harry gorgeous green eyes gazed at me, like an innocent child.

“I don’t know…I want to say that the ‘Larry’ rumours aren’t just rumours and we are together but I know that if I do we may not have a career anymore and I can’t do that to the rest of the guys.” I looked towards Niall and he gave me a sympathetic look. He knew that I wasn’t going to let everyone suffer just because of my love for Harry.

“Boo-Bear!” Harry exclaimed bringing me into a fierce hug. “It is going to be ok. We will be together no matter what.” He smiled, repeating the words that I’d said to him earlier. I smiled and hugged him tighter.

When we pulled apart Niall was smiling at us both like a proud father.

“You two are so perfect for each other!” Niall exclaimed. Niall was being excitedly loud and I looked towards Zayn and Paul and Paul was no longer there, only Zayn sat there glaring at me with him arms crossed. He really thought of himself as a bad boy. I gave him a bittersweet smile and directed my attention to Harry and Niall.

“You guys will have to sort out what you’ll say tomorrow.” Niall said sounding professional. I sighed and pulled Harry into my arms, I kissed the top of his head and he beamed up at me. I could have sworn Niall rolled his eyes but maybe I was mistaken.

“What’d you think Hazza?” I asked. He bit his plump lip in that sexy way he does when he starts to think. Why’d he have to be so sexy all the time?! Hopefully he doesn’t do that at the interview or I won’t be able to control myself.

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