Chapter 20

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We all stared at Niall in shock and disgust. No amount of alcohol could excuse what he did. Sometimes drunken actions can reveal true intentions and if this was one of Niall’s true intentions then I don’t want that type of person around me anymore.

“Niall, what the hell is this?” Liam hissed angrily.

“I-I-I didn’t know what I was doing – Eleanor did this on purpose. I barely remember it.” Niall said looking frantically to each one of us.

“Niall, what you did was wrong…I…I didn’t think that you’d be the type of person to do that.” Zayn said disappointedly.

“I was drunk Zayn! Please, believe me. I’m sorry, I-”

I’d heard enough of his babbling. He couldn’t use being inebriated as an excuse, he’s not a child. He is responsible for his own actions and has to suffer the consequences.

“Niall, get out.” I said through gritted teeth.

“Lou, please I swear I didn’t-”

“I said get the fuck out!” I screamed. Niall shrunk back, his blue eyes glittering with tears.

“Lou, please.” He begged. All the guys stopped, waiting for me to finally kick Niall out.

“I don’t want to hear what you say anymore. You ruin everything! You tried to ruin my relationship with Harry and you still don’t understand that he doesn’t want you! No one wants you! The best thing you can do right now is leave because no one wants you…you’re worthless.”


Niall stumbled backwards, as if I had physically hit him. He looked from the door to me and then to Harry. Crystal tears poured down his fragile face.

“Louis,” Harry said weakly getting my attention. I turned to him. “Maybe Niall just needs to explain. You know how Eleanor is-”

“Yeah, I know how she is and that is why I’m shocked that one of my so-called-friends tried to get with her.” I said snarling at Niall.

“Louis, give him a chance. He just-

“Stay out of it, Harry!” I shouted. I was sick and tired of him always taking Niall’s side. Could he just stick up for me for once? Harry looked at me in shock from a minute before bursting into a flood of tears and running into his bedroom. I heard the door lock and I knew this time I couldn’t suddenly make things better.

“You see what you’ve caused! Niall, get out! We don’t need you here.” I screamed. Niall looked frightened and hurt. We had deserted him and he deserved it. I watched him run out the apartment door blinded by his own tears.


“Shit” I mumbled under my breath.   

“Lou, it was the right thing to do. Niall needs to learn a lesson for what he did and when’s he learnt it he can come back.” Liam stood up, standing next to me comfortingly.

“He’s not coming back. I don’t want him in One Direction anymore.” I said seriously.

“Louis, you’re over-reacting.” Zayn said. “Niall is a part of One Direction and you won’t be able to change that. Simon won’t allow it and I won’t either! You need to stop thinking you can just call the decisions, yes – Niall did something wrong but does that make what you’re doing right? – No. Niall should maybe take some time to think by himself and leave you to cool off but he’s not leaving the group because if he goes, I go. And I’m sure your boyfriend will agree.”

I felt like I had been punched in the face. Was everyone just trying to piss me off today? Zayn got up and strutted into his own bedroom; Liam gave me an apologetic look and followed after him. I made my way to Harry’s room. I laid to soft knocks on the door – no answer. I banged the door a bit harder – no answer.

“Harry, don’t act like you can’t hear me! Let me in. We need to talk.” I said through continuous knocking. “I’m not going to stop banging on this door until you talk to me. I’ll be here all-

The door swung open and a disgruntled and teary-eyed Harry stood glaring at me. If looks could kill.

“Leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you.” Harry said sternly. His voice was cold and distant.

“Haz, I just want to talk to you. I know I shouldn’t have shouted at you, I was just angry at Niall and-

“Louis, I don’t want to hear your excuses today. I shouldn’t be crying right now. I should be used to you putting me down when you get angry. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I just want to get some rest.”

“Harry! How could you say I put you down? I’m the one who builds you up whenever you’re worried about stuff. I’m the one who sticks by you whatever you do. I’m the one who took you back after you cheated on me with that guy you were trying to defend!”

“I can’t believe you would bring that up. Lou, I am so tired of this. I can’t handle it.” Harry said, tears were starting to fall freely down his cheeks, his hair starting to lose its posture.

“Whenever we argue you always want to just run away and say you ‘can’t handle it’.”


“I’m not saying I can’t handle the argument. I can’t handle us Louis! I don’t want to do this anymore. I have been thinking about this as soon as you told Eleanor that we were together. Since then things have been getting so difficult and I just think I’m putting you down and I am forced to act like I’m not stressing out inside. I’m worried Lou. I’m worried that our band is splitting up. I’m worried that you don’t love me. I’m worried that we are losing our fans! Louis, I get so scared of things like this but because you are so cool about everything I try and act like you but I can’t do it anymore. I want a boyfriend that I can freak out with. I want a boyfriend that will actually make love to me when I feel like I’m ready.”

Harry’s confession left me gob-smacked. I stared at him in such shock that I hadn’t realised the tears pouring down my face.

“A-Are you s-saying that you want to break-up?” I asked dumbfounded.

“Lou, I…don’t know. I just don’t think your happy and even though I might be happy…when I’m not crying…I don’t want to be in a relationship where one person is happy and the other is just depressed and-

“I’m not depressed!” I shouted. “Harry, I love you! Please, don’t leave me or I don’t know I can go on. We just came out to the world and if I don’t have you anymore I don’t think I could breathe.” I blubbered. Harry wrapped his arms around me in a protective cocoon.

“Boo-Bear, I’ll always love you.” Harry whispered in my ear. “I’m doing this for you.”

“No!” I screamed. Harry let go of me wincing slightly. Liam and Zayn had come out of Zayn’s room to witness the commotion. “Harry, I’ll die without you!”

“Don’t say that Lou.” Harry begged.

“No, don’t tell me what not to say. I’m saying this because it’s true. I can’t live without you! I need you Harry please!” I got on my knees snivelling and hugging onto Harry’s legs. I was pathetic but this shocked me. I didn’t think I affected Harry this much. I thought we were both happy. Yeah, there have been some hiccups along the way but it’s just because of all the things we’ve been through. I wasn’t prepared to lose him now.


The weird thing is I thought we would be the other way around. If someone told me this would happen I wouldn’t believe them. I would tell them I would never beg Harry to stay with me. I would probably make fun and say Harry would be the one to beg me…


“Lou, mate, come on.” A voice that sounded like Liam coaxed me off of Harry but I shook my head, burying my face in Harry’s jeans.

“I love you Harry.” I mumbled over and over again. I sounded like a psycho-lover.

“I know you do Boo.” Harry said tearfully. Harry stroked my hair as Liam and Zayn did their best to get me off the floor but I wanted – I needed to stay close to Harry. He’s all I had. He’s all I wanted.

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