Chapter 25

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Niall's POV

I woke up with the harsh sounds of a violent storm outside. It was inevitable – the wind has been getting fiercer and it’s colder than a witch’s tit. Besides the sound of the wind thrashing the trees and the pouring rain stabbing at the glass windows I noticed Stan wasn’t here. The house was filled with the frightening sounds of the storm and Stan was nowhere to be seen. I started to panic for a second but realised I was probably being stupid. I should at least look for him. I feebly stood up, trying to get my legs to stabilize. When they finally cooperated I slowly started walking to Stan’s room. He wasn’t there. I opened the bathroom door. He wasn’t there. I looked in the kitchen…he wasn’t there. My heart was starting to pound. I was in his house and he’s gone missing in a storm. What if he was hurt? What if he didn’t want to be around me? What if he went to talk to Louis? I know Stan still loves him and I wouldn’t put it past Stan to try and be the fixer. I staggered to the door, the panic temporarily sending me in a daze. Just as I made I put my hand on the doorknob it turned. The door opened to reveal Stan soaked and holding a McDonalds bag.

“Hey, what are you doing up?” Stan stepped inside and kicked off his shoes. I didn’t really know what to say. I couldn’t say ‘I didn’t know where you were so I was going to find you’ or ‘I was worried you left me.’ I didn’t want to sound pathetic. “Come on. I got food let’s go eat.”


Stan brought the food into the bedroom. He shook his damp dark hair; unknowingly wetting me in the process. I stepped back as not to get drenched.

“Sorry.” Stan said

“No problem. Where did you go?” I asked.

“McDonalds does great breakfast. I know I can’t make anything so I thought I should go out and get you something at least. The rain was terrible and I didn’t have an umbrella and the wind was trying to whisk me away.” Stan began taking off the clothes he was wearing. Starting with the big coat. “I didn’t know what you’d want so I just got a bunch of stuff.” He took off his shirt. “There’s a…” By this time I’d stopped listening. My breath caught in my throat as I watched him take off his trousers. He was surprisingly fit! His body shivered as he stood there only in his boxers. His biceps flexed as he waved his hand lightly in front of my face. His cut smile directed at me as he said, “Niall! Are you there?”

“Oh sorry. I was just thinking about something.” I said trying to cover up the heat rushing to my cheeks.

Stan chuckled knowingly. “You were checking me out, weren’t you?”

“No! I-I

“Niall it’s okay. I was just joking.” Stan laughed. He dragged on a pair of jogging bottoms and a sweater. “But as I was saying. I got you a bunch of stuff and I thought I could set it up really nicely before you woke up but I guess that plans gone. Why are you up so early?”

I had no idea what the time was. “I just woke up…I didn’t know where you were so I just…What time is it anyway?” I asked trying to steer my own side of the conversation in the right direction.

“9:00AM. Do you want to eat in here or in the living room?” Stan asked.

“I’m honestly not hungry right now. I couldn’t even imagine eating anything. Maybe later.” I felt bad for not eating but I still wasn’t up for it. I couldn’t force myself.

Stan looked a bit disappointed but said, “Okay, if you don’t feel like it then I guess you don’t have to eat but promise me you’ll eat later.”

I nodded and Stan gave a pleased smile. “Come on; keep me company while I eat.”


Stan and I relaxed in the living room. I watched some monotonous show on TV while Stan chowed down on his food. I kept take sly glances at him, watching the way his mouth would open to devour each pancake and the way he would slowly suck each finger to savour the taste. It was as if he was doing this on purpose. I felt so stupid. Why was I doing this to myself? Stan was just trying to be nice and I’m looking at it as something more. I’m still not over Harry…I think. I mean…I haven’t exactly thought about him since the whole texting ordeal and to be honest I don’t want to think about him. I know I’m only wasting my time.

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