Chapter 3

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We all looked towards the unknown female and she began her speech.

“It is nice to finally meet all of you. My name is Anne Faison, I work for Modest! Management. I’m here to talk to you all about the issue that has been plaguing the media since this afternoon.” Her voice went from soft to stern as the talk became more serious. She walked over to the flat screen which hung on the wall nearby. With a click it flashed on and the channel was instantly directed to E! News. We all watched the TV listening for what was so important.

“…The important news that has been rocking Directioners everywhere is the news of Larry Stylinson being real! Reporters saw Eleanor and Louis allegedly having an argument in their vehicle this afternoon. Pictures have been sent to us from our undercover photographer which has caused a lot of speculation. Let’s take a look shall we?” Pictures sprang onto the screen. It was me straddling Harry in the park. Another was when Harry and I were gazing into each other’s eyes and the next was when Harry tried to hold my hand as I angrily charged towards the photographer. “…If any of you directioners out there want to say anything just tweet-” The television suddenly went black and the woman walked back over to us.

She stood looking sternly at me.

“We have spent a lot of time trying to cover your mistakes Mr Tomlinson. You told us from when the rumours of ‘Larry’ started that it was only gossip and now I’m not exactly sure how you are going to clear this up. Can you please explain what you were thinking?!” The woman said angrily.

“It wasn’t his fault!” Harry shouted. Tears were still cascading down his fragile face. “We love each other and we are sick of keeping it a secret. We just want to be left alone!” We all heard a scoff and our attention was drawn to Eleanor. She sat smugly looking directly at me. She had something planned, I knew she did.

“Well…” the Modest! Agent started. “…we have a strict contract and we are telling you that this cannot go on! Simon and I have come to a conclusion that can benefit all of you.” She looked to Simon and he looked guiltily at the floor.

“Boys, I am very sorry. If it was up to me-“

“It isn’t up to you Mr Cowell. Can you please explain to everyone what the final result will be?” the woman said harshly cutting into Simon’s apology. He gave her a cold look before directing his eyes back to the carpeted floor.

“Boys, we think it is best that the relationship between Louis and Harry be kept under wraps. Homosexuality isn’t accepted amongst everyone so we have decided that you all should do a public interview which will be telling everyone that there is no relationship between the two boys and that Louis and Eleanor had a little petty couple’s argument but that you are still together. You will have to have a ‘fake relationship’ in the public eye. Again, I am very sorry boys.” Simon wasn’t looking at anyone of us, he merely looked down at the floor like this was the worst decision he has ever made.

“And what if we don’t comply?” I asked.

“We have a strict contract Mr Tomlinson. If you don’t obey our rules then your fame and fortune will be very short-lived and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to do that to your band mates.”

The woman gave me a bitter smile and I was sure I was going to punch her but before I could she opened her poisonous mouth again.

“Consider this Mr Tomlinson. Mr Styles I’m sure you already know the right decision; I just hope you persuade your ‘boyfriend’ to make the right choice. By the way the interview is tomorrow morning. Someone will be here to pick you up at 7:00” And with that she left. She just walked off leaving us all there in silence.

“I should be leaving to.” Simon said quickly scrambling up and heading for the door. Me, Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Eleanor all sat in silence not knowing what to do next. Zayn thought he should be first to say something.

“Guys, I think you should do it…” Zayn said awkwardly. I was stunned; I thought he would be rooting for our side not theirs.

“Are you fucking kidding me?! You think we should just keep what we have a secret?” I shouted, questioning his argument. Harry put a hand softly on my shoulder which calmed me down…slightly.

“Dude, all I’m saying is there isn’t anything else you guys can do. They aren’t stopping you from seeing each other they are only saying to keep that stuff to yourselves.” Zayn gave me a brief look of disgust as he said ‘that stuff’. What did he mean by that stuff? I couldn’t take this kind of judgement by my own friend! I left the room angrily stomping my feet at each movement. I stormed off into my bedroom and slammed the door. The frustration and upset was building up inside of me as I fell to my bed and buried my head in my pillow, I let out a muffled yell but it still didn’t cure my pain, I still felt horrible. I wanted to have a normal relationship with Harry and they were making us basically be apart.

After 20 minutes of smothering myself with a pillow I heard the door creak open. I knew the person had crossed the room because I could hear their laboured breathing next to mine. I looked up and was saw Eleanor.

“Lou…I am really sorry that this is happening to you. I don’t know why I feel bad for you because right now my heart is breaking but I see how you look at Harry and in my head I am begging you to look at me that way…I love you so much Louis and I won’t stop loving you. I am going to try and convince you to love me back. You will love me Louis Tomlinson.” Eleanor’s glassy eyes stared back into mine waiting for me to say something back to her but I couldn’t. “I see you need some time to process everything…I’m going to make my way home.”

She left without another word. I would have offered her a ride home but I was too worried about the upcoming interview. I was basically being forced to deny my love for Harry. I needed to discuss this with Harry; this was probably hitting him even harder.

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