Chapter 10

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I held Harry in my arms as we both cried.

“I don’t deserve you.” Harry mumbled miserably. “But do you really believe me? I swear I didn’t kiss Niall back.”

“I don’t care anymore. As long as you love me and only me then it doesn’t matter.” I said passionately. Harry looked up at me, his green eyes held so much love and devotion towards me that it was almost unbearable. I gently kissed him, letting his soft plump lips tangle with mine. My arms wrapped strongly around his waist, holding him protectively close. I could feel his heart hammering in his chest, my heart was pounding too but I didn’t care. I was lost in the arms of the man I love. I pulled away from Harry earning a confused and sad look.  My arms were still wrapped around his waist, I lowered my lips to his and like it was meant to be we connected. It felt right. It was right. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. It was the greatest feeling in the world, and somehow, among all of the dizziness and the clinging to him like a life line, something inside me changed, never to be reversed. I loved him with all my heart. Harry Styles – my perfect soul-mate.

Harry removed his lips and slowly made a pattern of kisses down my jaw over to my chin. He knew how to make me feel good. I pulled up his face to mine and kissed him deeply. His tongue flicked against my teeth and I bit ever so gently onto his lower lip. I heard a sound come out of him, like a growl mixed with a soft moan. Our feet were leading us towards the bed. I laid Harry down gently on the bed, smiling at how red his lips looked. I leaned forward laying my hands on his chest. I reached his ear and whispered "I love you." Harry pulled me roughly down on top of him. He kissed me hard and powerfully, I could feel his hands trailing up and down my back, leaving Goosebumps at every touch. I could feel something hard poking me and decided to move my legs to either side of his. I was straddling his strong thighs. He rushed to take his shirt off, struggling as he did so. I laughed lightly at his cute clumsiness.

“Don’t laugh.” He pouted. I softly lifted the shirt over his head. I smiled and kissed his lips as an apology. I ran my hand down his bare chest and he moaned. “Take off your shirt.” Harry ordered.

Just as I began take off my shirt I heard the door creak open.

“Dude!” Harry shouted.

“Sorry. I didn’t realise!” Zayn said exiting the room in a quick manner. I stopped straddling Harry and stood up.

“Boo-Bear.” Harry whined pouting.

“We can carry this on later. I’ll go tell Liam and Zayn that we made up.” I said heading for the door. I purposely didn’t say Niall. He was no longer one of my friends.

“I think Zayn got the picture.” Harry laughed.


Harry and I strode out of the bedroom hand in hand and walked over to where Liam and Zayn were. Niall was still there seeming as sad as ever and I saw Harry glance sadly at Niall but I had to dismiss it.

“Here are the two love birds!” Liam proclaimed. “I’m glad you guys sorted everything out.”

“Yeah, we decided that the most important thing is that we are together and we can’t let people drag us apart.” I said, hinting as to who I meant by people.

“You definitely can’t be dragged apart. Apparently Zayn saw you two being closer than ever.” Liam smirked. I looked at Zayn and he uncomfortably looked at the floor. I hadn’t realised but Liam and Zayn were practically in each other’s arms. They were unusually close and they didn’t even seem to notice.

“We were just catching up.” I nudged Harry and he smiled widely, remembering the feelings from before. “But what about you two…Is there anything going on between you two?” Zayn looked up at me shocked and Liam just looked baffled.

“What do you mean by-”

“Hey, Lou, do you want to get a drink? I could sure use a drink.” Zayn speedily cut into Liam’s sentence. I took this as a signal for something I did wrong. Zayn got up pulling my arm into the kitchen and almost simultaneously Harry and Liam both said

“Do you want me to come with?”

“No.” Zayn and I shouted in unison.  Zayn hastily scampered to the kitchen pulling me along with him. When he made sure no one could hear us he started on his tirade.

“Louis! What the hell!?” Zayn whispered hostilely.

“What did I do?” I asked innocently.

“I haven’t talked to Liam about this kiss yet…I-”

“Stop right there” I commanded. “I sent him in to talk to you so what happened.”

“I told him that I don’t like that we aren’t speaking and that we should be best buds again.” Zayn said sounding proud of him-self.

“You idiot!” Zayn proudness was instantly wiped away. “We are going out there right now and you either tell him you like him or you snog his face off. Either one works.” I pulled his arm but he was too strong and stubborn.

“Louis, I am happy how it is. I’m with Perrie. Liam doesn’t even like me that way.” I saw a glint of sorrow and rejection in his eyes.

“Did he say that?” I asked.

“No but I know he doesn’t like me like that. He’s been telling me about this girl he has a crush on and he says he thinking about getting serious with her.” Zayn closed his eyes for a minute just so he could choose the appropriate feelings. “I am happy for him.”

“I guess I’ll have to see about that.” I left the kitchen determined on my next move. Louis the matchmaker is on a mission.

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