Chapter 22

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Niall’s POV

He kicked me out. They all abandoned me. Well, all except for Harry but he just does whatever his controlling boyfriend wants. Ever since the secret was out to Eleanor and Modest! Louis has been such a controlling drama-queen. Even Liam and Zayn who I thought would always be there for me deserted me. I have no one. I’m alone and it’s all because of that bitch Eleanor. I would never intentionally come onto her. I find her to be one of the most self-centred and devious witches that ever walked this earth and this only proved my suspicions right. She got me drunk knowing what I’d do and she knew I wouldn’t remember it. Now I was left to walk empty streets alone with no friends and no company. At least it’s better than having to face Louis again. I thought he would actually punch me. His hands were balling into fists as he talked to me and with every forceful word my heart would leap in total terror. When I ran out the apartment building I knew paps would still be outside but I didn’t care. I needed to run away from that place. I needed to get as far as I could. Yet, despite my attempts to flee it was useless when Paul grabbed me, yanking me forcefully back into the apartment. I hadn’t even noticed that I had run past him. Tears were still flowing down my cheeks and he looked at me with concern. Paul was like a father to me, especially since I barely had contact with my family when I was away on tour and things like that. Paul was a father-figure to us all.

“Niall, where are you going? What’s happened?”

“I didn’t mean to do it! They got it all wrong. I’m not a bad friend!” I cried. Paul wrapped his arms around me, halting my booming blubbering.

“Calm down and tell me what happened.” Paul said letting go of me and pulling me towards a completely secluded area. I was sure if we stayed where we were the paps would’ve seen us.

I sniffled, trying not to start sobbing again.

“Eleanor put out a video of me coming onto her- but I was drunk. I swear! I didn’t even know what was happening, I barely remember it now. They all hate me. Louis kicked me out and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want me back.”

Paul sighed heavily. “Maybe we should go up and talk to them.”

“No! They aren’t my friends anymore! True friends wouldn’t abandon me; I’ll never go back up there again.” I said determinedly.

“You are still apart of One Direction. They can’t kick you out of the band. Let’s just go up and have a little talk with them and this whole thing will be straightened out.”

“No!” I shouted. Paul looked at me shocked. I felt so bad; he was just trying to help. My eyes began to blur with tears again and I felt like a ball of sorrow enlarging in the pit of my stomach. The only thing I thought to do was run. So that’s what I did. I ran fast and hard. I ran through some screaming fans and forceful paps. They tried to grab me, they tried to take pictures of me but with the way I was running, no one could catch me.

My feet pounded the concrete ground beneath me. The faster I sprinted the less I could hear the shrieks of manic girls. My heart was beating so fast I was scared that it would leap through my chest. The frosty London air coursed through my lungs and dried my already parched throat. The tears begun to dry as the air absorbed any type of liquid I had. I felt tired and dehydrated. I let my hands rest upon my knees as I took two deep breaths. In through my nose and out through my mouth. After catching my breath and running my hands over my face in utter surrender and frustration I took in my surroundings. I found myself in an empty park. My feet must have carried me to an isolated area. The park seemed to be softly asleep resting in the chilly, cloudy afternoon. I moved to an unfriendly iron bench that was located underneath a sad willow tree. I needed to rest my feet and it was either this or drop onto the floor. My mind was swamped with the words of my former friend Louis Tomlinson.

‘You ruin everything’

‘No one wants you’

‘We don’t need you here’

‘You’re worthless’

I do ruin everything. No one wants me. No one needs me. I’m worthless. Why am I even here? Why was I even born? Was I born just for people to hate me? It just seems like wherever I go I get hate. Do I really deserve this? If this is what I get from my closest friends then I don’t want to do this anymore.

“I might as well kill myself.” I mumbled glumly. “Everyone hates me. I don’t deserve to live anymore.” Tears fell slowly from my sore eyes.

“I don’t hate you.” A warm voice said. A hand was laid supportively on my shoulder. The figure looked down at me smiling in empathy.

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