Chapter 31

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“Babe, are you okay?” I came quietly through the door and I expected to see Harry blubbering but he was sitting on the bed, nostrils flaring and his fists clenching. I could practically see the steam escaping his ears. “Hazza, what’s wrong? What did I do?”

“Ughh!” He let out a frustrated cry; it reminded me of the sound I made when he stormed out of the living room. “You are an idiot, Louis Tomlinson! All of us are trying to stop you from going to see that crazy bitch, Eleanor and you won’t listen to us-”

“That’s because I know that she won’t hurt me-”

“Yeah, because she ‘loves’ you. Are you fucking deluded? If she loved you she would be trying to get you back instead of trying to destroy your life. Louis, if you go there she might hurt you and if she hurts you. I. Will. Hurt. Her.”

Harry gave me a serious and heart-breaking look. It broke my heart that he was so concerned about me and I was just looking past it but I had to go there. I had to make things right with Niall and the world needed to know that I wasn’t the bad person in me and El’s relationship. She was.

“Haz, I won’t get hurt. I know you don’t trust her and I don’t trust her either but I need to make things right. What can I do that would let you allow me to go?”

“Record it.”

I stared at Harry as if he was crazy?

“How the hell am I supposed to record her? She wouldn’t even let me in if she sees a camera or something on me!”

“No, dummy.” Harry sighed. “Use your phone. Have it in your pocket and make sure it’s on record as soon as you speak to her. Don’t let her know your recording what she’s saying. That way whatever she says – we have evidence.”

I smiled at Harry. My little detective. “You sure it will work? What is she doesn’t say anything?”

“You were the one that was in a relationship with her. You know her better than I do. Get the information out of her. Lie if you have too.” Harry got up and walked to the door.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“We have to tell the rest of the guys."


“No.” Liam said sternly. “It won’t work. She’s too smart.”

“But we’re smarter.” I said with a smirk. “I know exactly how to get to her. Just trust me, Li.”

Liam gave an exasperated sigh. “Let’s leave it up too Niall.”

We all turned to Niall and waited for a reply. All this time he had kept his hands covering his face, his brain must be filled with relief, anger and sadness. I knew he wanted to go to Eleanor but there was too much of a chance that he’d attack her. Niall raised his face out of his hands and looked at me with cold, dark blue eyes.

“Go. As long as you take her down, that is all I care about. Stan said that if circumstances change that he could come back and that’s all I really want right now.” Niall said, his eyes bore into my face and I knew now it was my obligation to get Niall his love back and ruin Eleanor.

“Sure Ni.” I looked back to Liam. “And I have just the plan.”

“What is it?” Liam asked.

“Just listen.” I took out my phone and found Eleanor’s number.


“What do you want, Louis?”

“E-Eleanor, can I m-meet up with you somewhere?” I put on my best crying voice. “I…I broke up with Harry. You were right. We weren’t right for each other…when I was with him all I could think about was you.” I looked towards Harry who was looking despondently at the floor. I should have asked him to leave for this.

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