Chapter 17

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“Hi Lou.” Stan said, eagerly getting up to hug me. I subtly stopped him, giving him a bro-handshake and dodging past him to join Harry. Harry sat on the sofa, moving away from me the closer I got. Niall stood by the door, talking on his phone quietly. Zayn and Liam were sitting next to each other on the opposite sofa watching another typical ‘Larry’ scene.

“Haz, come on don’t be like that. You know I was joking.” I said sitting next to him. Harry moved further away, one more move and he’s be falling off the sofa. I captured his hand to stop him from going anywhere and he snapped his head round to glare at me.

“Haz, I wasn’t being serious. We shouldn’t fight now, especially with what we’re going to do.”

Harry turned away from me and shook my hand off. He walked to the opposite sofa and joined Liam and Zayn who welcomed him there and asked if he was ‘okay’ or needed to ‘talk’.

“Hey guys?” Stan said standing in the middle of the living room. “It’s so great with what you guys are doing. Finally coming out is the right decision.” Stan had a strained smile on his face when he turned to Harry but the smile he had with me was completely pure. “And Lou, I want to say again that I’m real sorry. I didn’t intend on kissing you, I-

“Stan!” I said shutting him up. Was he that stupid or was he doing this on purpose? Harry stared at me wide-eyed.

“What?!” Harry said jumping up. “You two kissed?!”

“U-Uh... I though you knew. I mean I thought he would have told you or something. It wasn’t his fault! It was me, he was upset about you flirting with some other guy and I-I just thought that…I-I don’t know what I was thinking. I was drunk and my brain was just-”

Before Stan could utter another word Harry’s fist flew into Stan’s face. Stan crashed to the floor in pain, holding his now broken nose.

“Harry!” Liam and Zayn screamed. Harry leapt onto Stan and repeatedly struck him in the face.

“Harry, stop!” I begged. I strained to pull the forceful lad off but he wasn’t budging. “Harry, please stop! Niall help!” Niall had already rushed over and Zayn, Liam, Niall and I were all working to pull Harry off Stan.


It took all of our strength combined to get Harry off Stan. When we finally managed Stan was crying and clutching his face, throughout all of the beating he didn’t try and fight back.

“Stay away from my boyfriend. He’s mine and only mine and if I even see you around him you’ll be dead meat.” Harry warned. I dragged Harry back into my room. I pushed him roughly down onto the bed. The door was shut but I could still hear the faint commotion outside. Niall was shouting at Stan. Zayn was worrying about getting Stan to a hospital. Stan was still crying and Liam was trying to calm the whole situation.

“Harry, what the fuck were you thinking?!” I yelled. Harry looked at me his soft green eyes now dark with anger.

“I’m not letting him take you. I don’t care if he was your first. You are mine.” Harry practically growled.

“Harry he’s not taking me you idiot! I love you and even if he kissed me or is my ‘first’ that’s not any reason for you to break his face!”

Harry rose off the bed getting in my face. “Louis, I’m not going to let him think that it’s okay to kiss you. I will kill him if that’s what it takes.” Harry’s eyes were still filled with rage and when he got this angry he couldn’t control the words that came out his mouth. I had only ever seen him this angry once before and it was when I flirted with a male fan and he almost lost it and beat him up. Liam had to drag him back to the hotel we were staying at and calm him down but he still broke every single glass object there was in that room.

“Harry you don’t mean that.” I cupped Harry’s face gently staring into his green orbs. “Harry Styles, I love you and only you! You are mine and I am yours. I won’t leave you for anyone because if I did there is a chance that I would just stop breathing. That is how much I love you.”


Harry looked at me with a troubled expression. His green eyes went back to normal and tears were now rushing down his face. He embraced me in a passionate hug.

“Boo-Bear, I’m sorry. I got too carried away.” Harry said through thick tears. There was a knock at the door and Harry pulled away from me trying to dry his tears. Liam entered the room looking disgruntled.

“Guys, Paul just called me. We need to be downstairs now. Stan left by the way.”

“Where did he go?” I said a little too quickly.

“He just ran out. He said to tell you that he’s sorry and he won’t bother you ever again.” Liam disclosed.

“Oh…Okay…Yeah, Harry and I are ready so we can go now.”  I took Harry’s hand and headed out the door. The next step to an already horrible day.

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