Chapter 28

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Louis’ POV

I stood away from the door showing Niall the picture of him and my former best friend making-out on a fucking park bench. Did they have any decency at all? The picture was sent to me by Eleanor and she just probably wanted to stir some shit, well that’s exactly what she got.

“How did you get that?” Niall asked.

“Don’t worry about how I got it. My question is what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I snarled angrily. “Do you think you can just go after every guy in my life? You go after my boyfriend, then you go after my best friend who you knew had feelings for me, what’s next?”

“Louis, I love him. This is not to hurt you.” Niall looked desperately at me. Liam and Zayn stepped defensively in front of Niall.

“Louis, leave Niall alone. His relationship is not your problem.” Liam scowled.

“Lou, I thought you said you wanted to work things out with Niall. You said you wanted the all of us to be a family again.” Zayn looked at me as if I had shattered his greatest dream.

“Guys, this is not your fight.” I warned them.

“This is not a fight at all!” Harry shouted. The door was still open and Niall and him stood side-by-side in the doorway. He practically pushed Niall in and then stormed up to me.

“Louis Tomlinson, if you are going to choose to be a dick today then please leave the apartment until you’ve calmed down. I’m not having you ruing this. We’ve just got Niall back.” Harry said with a cross look. I knew not to mess with him when he had that look. We had gone quite a while without having an explosive argument.

“But Haz, do you realise what he’s done.” I said trying not to shout.

“Yes I do. When I went to Stan’s place Niall told me that they were a couple now and I’m happy for them. They love each other, accept that.”

I looked towards Niall who looked like he might cry.

“I’m sorry but I can’t. I don’t want him with Stan. Niall is just bad-luck and I don’t want Stan to be affected by it.”

Harry gasped and there was a loud slam. Niall had walked out…again.

“This is all your fault. Why can’t you just be happy for Niall?” Harry screamed. “Are you not over Stan or something?”

I stayed silent. Not able to provide an answer.

“Lou, are you over Stan or not?”


“You aren’t! What is wrong with you? You have me but you still want more! Are you serious? Do you want to be with Stan or me?” Harry exclaimed.

“Of course I want to be with you Haz but…I-I don’t know, Stan is…was, I mean was, my boyfriend and my first time and when we broke up we just merely said ‘we’ll stay friends’ but I knew that Stan always had feelings for me and now…”

“So, you’re upset that you don’t have a million people liking you. Are you that conceited? You do realise you have me and I’m supposed to be your boyfriend.” Harry was screaming at me but I was remaining calm.

“Hazza, I love you so much and I can’t imagine life without you but this is just how I feel. I guess a part of me thinks if one day you get sick of me I would have a back-up plan and that used to be Stan but now he has Niall.” I paused letting the realisation sink in. “Niall was supposed to be my friend and I let him run away twice. He went after Eleanor and yeah, that was disgusting but he was sorry and now I’ve made him upset again just because I don’t approve of him being happy. I must be conceited. I need to say sorry.” I didn’t realise until now that one of my best friends were running away from me right now. I wouldn’t even be sure if he would just come back willingly but one way or another I’ll get him to come back. We are family.

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