Chapter 16

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I led Harry to my room, leaving the rest of the boys in the living room to take care of Niall.

Harry was still crying and I was desperately trying to make him cheer up. Harry plopped down onto the bed and curled up in a foetal position crying his eyes out. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy and his scarlet red nose ran with snot. Yet through all this he still looked hot to me.

“Hazza, don’t do this to yourself. You heard what Paul said, we will be fine. We will always be One Direction.” I said sitting beside Harry’s coiled body. I softly caressed his curls.

“I-I k-know b-but-” Harry’s sobs were taking away his ability to form a comprehendible sentence.

“Haz come on.” I wrapped my body around him, forming a protective cocoon. “Harold Edward Styles, I hate to see you like this. You should be the strong one and I should be the one breaking down right now.”

“I-I’m S-S-Sorry!” Harry bawled harder. I gently shushed his crying but I was amazed at how many tears this boy had in his system. He must be dehydrated by now. I continued stroking his curls and after 3 minutes of crying it converted to soft snivelling.

“Are you okay now Haz?” I asked concerned.

“I feel tired.” Harry said like a fragile little boy. I chuckled at Harry’s innocence.

“That’s probably because you’ve used all your energy by crying.” I was still wrapped around Harry but his hands lay on top of mine, not wanting me to let go of him. “Why don’t we put you to bed?” I said giving him a gentle peck on the neck.

“Can I sleep in here tonight?” Harry turned his face to look up at me. His big green eyes gazed into mine.

“Sure babe.”


I let go of Harry and gently helped him up. His body was shivering slightly from all that crying. His system couldn’t take that much devastation. I made him sit on the bed while I took his shoes off one by one. I slipped the shoes off his feet and then slipped his socks off. I couldn’t help but tickle his feet while I was there. His feet squirmed as he giggled cutely. He was such a little princess. I wouldn’t tell him that though.

“Up you get.” I said, pulling Harry up by his hands. He stood in front of me, waiting for my next move. I didn’t feel awkward or weird about this at all. I often had to do this when Harry got drunk or extremely upset about something. I slowly unbuttoned his skinny jeans and rolled them down his pale legs. Goosebumps arose on every bit of bare skin he had. I trailed my hands up his exposed legs just to tease him. I stopped at his boxers and dropped my hands to my side. He whined in disapproval but I simply smiled innocently and moved to take his shirt off. He lifted up his arms and I stripped him of his favourite t-shirt and tossed it on the ground. I traced his tattoo’s making him quiver at my touch. I removed my finger from his soft skin and walked to the side of the bed. I unfolded the quilt and patted it welcomingly. Harry pouted and crossed his arms unhappily.

“What’s wrong?” I asked watching the cute boy band member pouting his soft plump lips in front of me.

“You can’t just do that and then try and put me to bed.” Harry sulked.

“Whatever do you mean?” I wondered innocently.

“You got me all ‘warmed up’.” Of course I knew exactly what Harry was saying; by the size of the tent in his boxers I could say he was a little bit more than ‘warmed up’.

“Haz, you’re too tired today. You had enough events for one day let’s just cuddle and go to sleep.”

“Fine, if you don’t mind my dick poking you while you sleep.” Harry laughed crawling into bed. I tightly tucked him in and kissed him softly on the lips.

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