Chapter 26

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Niall's POV

“So…” I said awkwardly trying to fill the silence. It wasn’t that far to go to the park, only 1 bus ride and I barely got noticed. Those who did notice me did a double take but by the time they decided to make their way over to me I had already left or hid behind Stan.

“We don’t need to talk if you don’t want too. We can just sit here.” Stan said placing his gloved hands on the bench we were seated on.

“But I want to talk.” I said timidly. I wanted to talk to Stan. I wanted to find out all about him and I wanted us to have a conversation which wasn’t brought up by me damaging myself.

“Sure, what do you want to talk about?” Stan turned to me staring directly in my eyes. His eyes were a dark chocolate brown and I was getting lost in that amazing chocolate river. I was sinking deeper and deeper until I heard Stan’s voice. “Ni? Are you alright?” He asked worriedly.

“Uh…Yeah, I was just thinking about what I wanted to talk about.”

“Well, what is it?” Stan stared at me intensely.


Stan’s eyes widened a bit before he said, “Me? What do you want to know?”

“Everything. Stan you’ve helped me out a lot and I don’t even think I’ll be able to thank you ever but at least I can get to know you better. All I know is you first and last name.”

Stan smiled. “Sure…okay, where do I start?” Stan paused for a second. “Oh! Well, as you know my name is Stanley Lucas and…”

Stan went on for ages, telling me humorous, sad and really surprising things about his life. He told me about his family and how he was when he was younger. He even told me about his relationship with Louis when they were in secondary school. When Stan finished all he did was look at me and smile.

“Wow.” I said. It was a bit overwhelming to take in all that information. Stan just continued to look at me smiling. “What? Did I do something wrong?”

“No…” Stan remained smiling. “I just never really noticed your eyes are amazing.”

I felt my cheeks getting redder and redder. Why was he complimenting me? Does he like me?

“Stan…I…Thanks, I—”

Before I could throw a compliment back at Stan his hands slipped off the gloves and were soon tenderly caressing my face and before I had time to react his lips were on top of mine. For a minute of two my mind didn’t register what was happening but when it did I went into full make-out mode. One hand was on the back of my neck the other was gently pushing my back onto the bench. I laid on the bench, Stan on top of me and having the best moments in my life. I ran my fingers through his chestnut brown hair. I couldn’t see or hear anything around me all I concentrated was Stan’s touch. To my dissatisfaction he pulled away breathing heavily and frantically looking around.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Did you hear that?” He said standing to look around the empty park. I gazed around the park and nothing was there.

“It was probably the wind or something.” I stood next to Stan and a rough breeze bit at my skin. I suppressed a shiver, knowing all too well that Stan would be quick to give up his coat.

“Yeah probably.” Stan turned back at me frowning slightly. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“I shouldn’t have kissed you. I-I just couldn’t help myself. Taking care of you and talking to you is just making me want you even more and I don’t think I can let myself do that. I feel like I’m starting not to like Louis in that way anymore – I feel like I don’t like him at all after how he’s treated you. I don’t want him to hurt someone I love.”

Love? Did he just say love?

“I know it’s weird, me saying this and all but it’s indescribable - the way I feel about you. When you cut yourself in front of me I could almost feel your pain. Niall…I really like you.”

I was frozen. I liked him too but…I don’t know. This was just odd. I liked someone who was actually available and they liked me back. This must be a dream.

“Niall, say something.” Stan begged.

“I like you a lot…I just can’t believe you actually like me back.” I felt like pinching myself just to check if this was just a dream. Stan smiled at my words, stepping closer to me and finally enveloping me in a loving hug. This was the moment I’d been waiting for dreaming of. I didn’t need Harry anymore. I had my own guy.

“Would you maybe consider being my boyfriend?” Stan asked shyly looking away. I tint of pink arose on his cheeks. I answered his question by smashing my lips onto his. I felt him smile beneath my lips. He pulled away with a big grin on his face.

“I really want to take you back to my place.” Stan growled seductively.

“I want that too but…I’m starving.” I paused before an amazing and delicious thought popped into my head. “Nandos!”

“Sure Ni. Whatever you want.” Stan chuckled and we walked together peacefully out of the park.

Eleanor's POV

I couldn’t believe it. I had hit the jackpot. After revealing to the world how bad of a boyfriend Louis was I was getting non-stop sympathy from everyone. The whole Niall video palaver was just the icing on the cake. Everyone is noticing the big split between the band mates. I even heard that apparently Zayn and Louis were arguing outside their apartment and Niall this is what they get. They all deserve this. I just hope that he suffers as much as I am right now. He left me and left the love we had…I still want him back but if I can’t have him no one can. I will destroy him until he’s left alone and depressed.

Everything is going to plan. Interviews are lined up each day so I can tell more secrets about the 1D boys. Just as I thought things couldn’t get better I see Niall and Louis’ friend Stan strolling into the park. Sneakily I followed them in, seeing if I could get any more information to spill on them. I stood behind a near-by tree for ages just listening to Stan drone on about his life. Just as I was about to leave Stan said something to Niall that immediately caught my attention.

“I just never really noticed your eyes are amazing”

This encouraged me to stay longer and I was glad I did because the juicy bit is they started making out on the park bench. It was like they weren’t worried about being seen. I snapped a couple of pictures but the picture snap sound from my phone kept going off and after taking 2 or 3 pictures I had to escape before one of them noticed. As soon as I stepped foot out of that park I sent the picture to Louis with a message.

‘Is every guy in your life gay and proud? You people make me sick!’

I wasn’t sure whether he got my text or not or whether he even blocked me from his phone but nevertheless it was sent and my mission on destroying Louis’ happiness was complete. Things are getting weaker between all the guys and before you know it One Direction will be gone for good.

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