The End...

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I woke up to a beautiful morning. The sun streamed through the gap in my curtains, shining down on Harry who lay peacefully, wrapped up in the sheets. I gazed down at my beautiful boyfriend who was snoring like a bear. Maybe everything really was going to be alright? Eleanor was basically ruined. Interviewers were calling in and many newspapers wanted the scoop on how we publicized this. I had no doubt that Eleanor was getting the same hassle. I had yet to rub this in her face but I wold be sure to gloat over this bad publicity she was getting.

“Lou, when you stare at me like that it’s super creepy.” Harry mumbled sleepily. One eye peaked open and a hint of a smile on his lips.

“Haz, we are free!” I practically sang.

He laughed. “You are even gayer in the morning, you know that?”

I stuck my tongue out at him playfully. “Get up. We got a whole day ahead of us.”

“Where are we going?” Harry asked confused.

“Everywhere.” I smiled. “We aren’t seen as the horrible couple who went behind Eleanor’s back anymore because everyone knows how much of a bitch she is. We can walk down the road hand-in-hand without a bunch of people shouting abuse at us.”

“There’ll still be people shouting abuse.” Harry countered.

“Yeah, but they’ll only be the homophobic jerks. We can go to a nice restaurant, maybe catch a movie. What’s out in the cinema right now? Oooh, I want lots of popcorn. We can even take the rest of the guys with us, it can be a big day out and—

“Louis! Calm down. We can do all that stuff but we have a lot of time. We have the rest of our lives to do that.” Harry said with a sleepy grin.


I sighed – it was kind of mixed with relief and exhaustion. To be honest I hadn’t slept that much, I was mostly on Twitter checking out the never-ending messages about the Eleanor recording.

“Lou, why don’t we first just spend the day in bed? I think that’s something we can both enjoy.” Harry said with a smirk. He patted the empty space next to him seductively.

“I would love to Haz but there’s so much to do and so little time. I need to get in the shower and I haven’t had my breakfast yet and I need to go to Eleanor’s and I need to have my suit dry-

“You’re going to Eleanor’s!” Harry screeched.

“Yes…” I said nervously.

“Louis, you’ve done your job now we can just forget about her. She’s going to live her sad little life and we’ll be here happy because we have each other.”

“Harry, all I want is a sorry out of her. She can’t have a happy life at all knowing that she did this and I feel bad for her. If she says sorry I will accept.” I did feel bad for Eleanor. She was just another heartbroken girl with no other option that to get back at her ex-boyfriend.

“Louis,” Harry groaned. “Why do you have to be so difficult?”

“Babe, that’s why you love me.” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before exiting the bedroom.


I was greeted by Niall running up to me and practically screeching like a girl.

“He texted me!” Niall repeatedly screamed. “I can’t believe he texted me.”

“Niall, calm down. What happened?” I asked as I stared at the little Irish lad jumping excitedly. He held his phone in front of me and a short text by an unknown number was on the screen.

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