Chapter 19

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“I can just see it now. Every single headline on every known newspaper will have the proclamation that ‘Larry Stylinson’ is real!” Liam said excitedly as we walked off the set. Paul was waiting there with a proud grin on his face.

“Boys, I am so proud of you!” Paul said patting me and Harry on the back. “Louis, that speech was heart-warming you all should be proud of yourselves. I bet this feels like a massive weight has been lifted, eh?”

Harry and I nodded. Harry was smiling happily. He grabbed my hand and laid a cute kiss on my cheek.

“Let’s get going guys.” Paul said leading the way. We could hear the army of fans outside screaming all of our names. It was a tremendously large crowd. We got to the doors and instantly the swarm of fans engulfed us. Harry held onto my hand tightly so we didn’t lose each other in the crowd. Paul and other members of security were leading us through the frantic crowd but it was difficult for us to follow because whenever they would clear a slight path more directioners would block the way. Harry and I signed stuff and waved to people whilst still holding hands. Directioners looked at us surprised; they must not have gotten the memo yet. That’ll be over soon though; within seconds the news with be all over twitter.


Harry was becoming anxious and was experiencing a small panic attack. Fans were throwing themselves between us and the rest of the group. We were slowly losing Paul and quickly being submerged in a sea crazed fans. A girl started to rip at Harry’s shirt and practically shrieked. It would have been cute if things didn’t go downhill from there. More fans followed the first girls lead ripping at every piece of clothing Harry had. Some girls did their best to pull me away from Harry to get me to themselves. Different girls were working on separating Harry and I for their own pleasure.

“Louis!” Harry said frantically when our hands separated. The crowd was consuming me and I could just barely see Harry’s head. He was getting dragged down lower and lower into the crowd. I could hear him pleading some of the girls to just let go of him but the screams were drowning out his pleas. Harry could never be used to this kind of behaviour, he still gets frightened, he still gets anxious and he still cries…a lot. He’s only human. I fought through the crowd to get to Harry but everywhere I went girls were screaming in my face. I felt someone grab my hand tightly and I looked and saw Harry crawling through fans.

“Louis, help!” He begged, tears were pouring down his face and he was having trouble catching his breath. I pulled him up and as if by magic Paul appeared, pushing the screaming directioners out of the way as gently as he could and dragged Harry and I through. We were ushered into the car where all the guys gave us a ‘WTF!’ look.

“What happened to you two?” Liam questioned concernedly. 

“You guys were right behind us!” Zayn said crossly. 

“Are you okay Harry?” Niall asked putting a hand on Harry’s knee. The car started moving and Harry didn’t say a word. He simply buried his head into my shoulder, breathing heavily on to my neck. I looked at all the guys who were still waiting for an explanation.

“Harry is fine Ni. He just had a small panic attack. We tried to keep together but the girls seemed to just flock together and ambush us. They were ripping at Harry’s clothes and stopping us from even moving. We’re lucky we got out of there before it got any worse. By the way thanks Paul.” I said giving Paul a small yet appreciative smile. Paul gave a small nod back and said, “As long as you don’t do that again. This is why we all keep together tightly or create a chain. Zayn and Liam were holding hands so they didn’t get lost. Why couldn’t you?”


I looked to Zayn and he seemed to look down guiltily.  I wanted to tell Paul that Zayn and Liam may have been holding hands for different reasons but I didn’t want to start a whole debate. Harry was still snuggled into my shoulder, his breathing had eased but I could tell he wasn’t alright.

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