Chapter 1

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Levian sighed into her sleeve from her desk. The message from the dean couldn't have been clearer.

Go to the library, and pick out Lord Gregory's Beastiary. Press the switch on the back of the bottom shelf under the book and step through the doorway. Everything will be explained there.

Welcome to the Keepers.

She had begged the dean not to invite her unless she was skilled enough to be among them. Some join by right of birth, the magic in their blood allowing them to master magic much more powerful than normal. But Levi had managed to hone her skills to perfection. She knew she had earned her right to be among the Keepers, but she dreaded meeting her new classmates.

While most of her classes wouldn't change, she would have a new class added to the end of her schedule.

Be there by four.

The rest of the note read.

She would have to get up eventually. She twirled her fingers through the strands of brown hair behind her ear that had been pulled free from her pony tail, her blue eyes reading and re-reading every word on the paper over and over again.

She picked herself up and grabbed her bag before heading to her first class. Her best friend nudged her with a smile and Levi returned the smile.

"Today's the day!" Her friend announced. "My little baby's all grown up and part of the Keepers!"

"Joseph." Levi glared. "I'm not a Keeper till after their Dean accepts me."

"You might as well be." Joe retorted.

"No. The Dean makes me a Keeper. Nothing else does." Levi retorted. "Now enough. We have a class to pay attention to."

"Don't know why we need academics. We came here to spit fire from our fingers not learn how to multiply." Joe retorted.

"We're going to learn whatever they teach and you're going to deal with it." Levi retorted. "Now shut up." She laughed.

Joe returned the laugh and the class went on. They shared the same classes, but after lunch Levi headed to the library to catch up on her studying. As usual, from where she sat she could see the school super star laying on a bookshelf reading a book.

She, like her sister had bright red hair and glowing bronze eyes. But even though her hair was red, her nickname was Blue due to her depressing personality. She ignored everyone all the time. When people called to ask her a question she ignored them. A massive wolf daring anyone to come close to whichever shelf she was making residence.

Blue's sister however was crazy and excited all the time. Lively and kind. She was always polite and never raised her voice to be aggressive. She was also the only one who could get close to Blue's wolf without losing their limbs

Red often helped new students around and the two girls quickly became the center of almost all drama and gossip in the Tower. Blue quickly gained reputation for being an Ice Queen. Unless someone was bullying her sister, in which case she was quite vocal in how she'd rip you limb from limb for making fun.

Levi sighed looking at the redhead, wondering what she was reading that was so interesting she had a large wolf to keep other people away from her.

She spent the next four hours studying relentlessly, hoping that she wouldn't look like a fool to the new kids she was going to meet.

She went to the back of the library and found the book. She pulled it out, expecting the bookshelf to slide open, but it did no such thing. She heard footsteps behind her and she turned seeing Blue standing there holding her own book under her arm. Her wolf, which was as big as a horse, was standing right beside her, staring at Levi. However, the wolf didn't actually look as scary as people said. I mean, sure it was big and black, but it didn't look aggressive.

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