Chapter 2

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Levi found the pool to be one of the best she's ever been in. It was a huge pool, and half of it was dedicated to long distance swimmers, and the other half for casuals. A chunk of that half had shallow water, and the rest was as deep as the long distance part.

Levi ended up swimming laps and loving how it felt. The pool was obviously heated, and it just felt amazing. The water felt like it was rejuvenating her muscles allowing her to go a few more laps than she thought she could.

She looked up at the clock on the wall, finding it to be 7:40. She had been swimming for almost four hours.

She couldn't help but smile up at it, knowing she had actually exercised for a long time. Longer than she ever thought she would. She climbed out of the pool and headed into the showers to rinse her hair and bathing suit.

The wizard's tower held a lot of human world luxuries. The only thing it didn't have was TV's and electronics. And the only reason for it was because human's travel from the human world to learn magics in this magic tower. It was the greatest honor for a mage to study at the tower.

She got dressed and headed out into the pool but paused hearing the splashing sound coming from the pool room. She pulled out her pocket watch and groaned finding that she had taken way too long to shower. Lately she had been daydreaming too much. Too many good things on her mind, making it too easy for her to zone out and forget she had to keep an eye on the time or the world around her.

Well it wouldn't have been too bad right? It's just Red or Blue, and they seemed nice.

Sure enough, as she left the showers she could smell the herbs that were in the water. They didn't necessarily smell good, but they didn't make her crinkle her nose either. She sighed and stepped out into the pool room finding Blue, or she assumed it was Blue since her wolf was laying beside the pool standing on the diving board. Or, she was leaned over touching her toes.

Levi's eyes widened at the girl's back, which was covered in black scales. She wore a two piece bathing suit revealing her pale white skin, making the black scales so obvious on her skin. And behind her was what looked like a devil's tail.

She didn't have a tail before! She's a vampire! And only Pureblood vampires can turn into monsters. The Bluebloods and turneds lost the ability to in favor of stealth. So how could Blue have a tail and scales.

Minerva raised her head and looked at Levi and snarled before barking loudly, her voice rippling across the water. Blue seemed to look a little confused by the ripples and she raised her head to look at Minerva before following her wolf's gaze finding Levi standing there looking at her before she glared.

"The pool is off limits for human students at this hour." She stated.

"I-I was getting out of the shower! I didn't know I took so long..." Levi whimpered. Minerva slowly and threateningly made her way around the pool. Her lips curled up in a snarl as she growled angrily at Levi.

"Then you should have turned the sign on the wall beside the shower saying it was occupied." Blue pointed to the sign beside the door to the showers.

"I-I didn't notice! I'm so sorry!"

Sure enough the black scales also covered Blue's front, so there was no hiding the fact she was no ordinary vampire. They seemed to outline her curves, without touching her stomach and chest. They stopped midway down her arms and legs so her hands weren't covered. Her tail waved to the side almost like an annoyed cat.

Blue sighed. "Well I guess it doesn't matter now does it?"

"Look, I can see that you're not a normal vampire. But, I won't say anything to anyone, because it's also obvious that you try to hide it. So I won't tell, I promise." Levi answered, tracing a cross over her heart. "You don't even have to explain anything to me. I won't ask questions or anything."

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