Chapter 13

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Levi stretched out as the bell rang for her class. She smiled brightly as the class emptied out. She packed up her things and headed to the library to continue to try and make up her left over work during her free period.

Blue wasn't around as she was likely working at the Café.

In the time they've known each other, Levi has yet to go to the café. And she thought about going, but she also still had work she needed to do. She could always study at the café with something to snack on.

She packed up her things and headed through the library to the café, where she sighed deeply as she pushed opened the door, hearing the soft jingling of a bell, as if she walked into an actual shop.

The boy at the counter waved happily. "Welcome! I haven't seen your face around here. Grab a seat and I'll send someone over!" He called.

Levi waved back with a smile of her own before taking her seat at a booth off in the corner where she could see most of the shop. She set up her stuff and got back to work as one of the twins made their way over.

The uniform was a decent maids outfit, but a very modest one that covered her body nicely. It was just a simple black and white maid's outfit in which the skirt went down to her knees.

"Hey Levi!" The twin answered with a bright smile, revealing it to be Red. "Glad you could finally come here!"

Levi couldn't help but examine Red's uniform. She knew that Blue would look exactly the same in it, and it did suit her frame even if it wasn't skimpy.

"Me too."

Red raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "You checking me out or Blue?"

"Blue." Levi admitted, getting Red to laugh.

"What can I get you?"

"Can I get a vanilla coffee? Just one sugar please."

"Of course. I'll be right back." As Red turned away, Levi watched Blue hand someone their drinks. As she looked up at Levi who just smiled, she watched as Blue's face turned red before she disappeared into the back.

Her outfit was a tux, which wasn't surprising considering she had to hide her scales from everyone, which had returned since they no longer shared their power because the spell had worn off. But the tux was definitely designed for a woman, with frilly cuffs and a sparkly vest.

Levi wanted to feel guilty for making her girlfriend turn into a tomato, but at the same time she thought it was the cutest thing.

You didn't honestly think I'd never come to the café to see you're cute uniform Red keeps talking so highly of? She found herself thinking aloud.

Shut up! She heard Blue practically snarl in her thoughts.

Levi couldn't help but laugh quietly to herself.

Red came over and set the coffee beside Levi, careful not to put it too close to her work. "How long before you have to go back to class?"

"An hour." Levi answered.

"You should get a good chunk of your work done then. And you'll get a good view of Blue of course."

"That's just a bonus." Levi smiled.

Red laughed. "I'll come check up on you in a bit for a refill. But I have to get back to work." Red smiled and pat her on she shoulder before heading off to take care of more orders.

Levi continued to do her work, but she glanced up every once in a while looking for Blue. However the vampire tended to avoid that half of the café like a toxic cloud prevented her entrance. Obviously it was Blue trying to avoid confrontation with Levi. Red noticed it too and stayed on the other side to make up for Blue's slacking.

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