Chapter 28

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Levi was honestly surprised she fell asleep. But when Blue woke her by gently shaking her, she knew she had probably messed up.

"Did we miss him?" Levi questioned as she went to sit up. However Blue smiled gently down at her, before glancing up quickly before looking back at her.

He's just left his house and is walking this direction. I don't think he's noticed us. Blue whispered in her thoughts. Just smile and look at me.

Levi found it easy to fall into her lie, as it wasn't truly a lie. She couldn't help but smile up at her girlfriend and reach up to touch her face. "So after this, what do you want to do?" She found herself asking.

As if to add to the lie, Blue moved her hands up into Levi's view and began speaking in ASL. Of course, Levi technically didn't understand the language, but her girlfriend's thoughts helped her translate.

We could get food? Or maybe go to a book store? Have you sent your family a letter recently? Blue asked.

"Those are all good ideas. I do need to send my parents a letter. It's been a while." Levi nodded, then paused and sat up when Blue looked up curiously. She didn't reconize the man standing in front of her, but she knew from Blue's grip on her arm that it was the man they were looking for.

"Can we help you with something?" Levi questioned, looking at the man curiously.

He however, was staring at Blue. "Have we met somewhere?" He questioned.

Blue shook her head and answered in Sign, to which Levi translated.

"She says that would be unlikely. You may have seen her sister around though. She has a twin."

"Perhaps. Does your sister have a dragon for a girlfriend?"

"She does. Why do you ask?" Levi raised an eyebrow.

"She owes me a favor." The man growled, and raised his hand, however Blue was far faster and grabbed him by the wrist as she stood up, before twisting his arm forcing him to his knees where she planted her foot on his ribs and pushed him backwards, threatening to tear his arm from it's socket.

"I think you need to learn what a favor is." Blue growled.

"I knew I reconized you." The man snarled.

"Well, you did attack my sister and her girlfriend when they were having a nice dinner." Blue explained. "It's no surprise that you would mistake me for her, that was the plan. But I didn't think you'd be dumb enough to just attack me."

"I wasn't." The man answered, stabbing a knife into Blue's shin causing her to hiss and stumble back. The man picked himself up as Levi threw a ball of pure magic at the man, throwing him onto his back as Blue collapsed, clutching her leg. Lyn and Red ran over, with the two of them casting a seal of sorts, suspending him in the air and completely preventing him from moving.

Blue lifted her pant leg revealing the stab wound, that was already looking far worse than it should have. Black tendrils were slowly lacing up Blue's leg, revealing the blade to have been poisoned.

Levi dropped to her knees beside her girlfriend and pulled her belt off, wrapping it around her thigh tightly, to try and stop the spread of the poison. "What did you inject her with?!" Levi asked, getting the man to just smirk in response.

Lyn reached up and grabbed the man's face, then closed her eyes, listening to his thoughts. "Quicksilver and Nightshade. We have to get her back to the tower before the poison takes effect."

Getting Blue back into the Tower was easy. Watching her get tied to a table as she struggled in pain was not. Levi had never seen Quicksilver poisoning on a vampire before, and she hoped she would never have to again. Blue had reverted to a mindless animal, hissing and snarling at anyone who came close, even Levi. She had to stay on the other side of the room, just to try and get her to relax.

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