Chapter 6

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It was hard for Levi to keep her hands to herself when Blue was all over her. At night they cuddled, Blue's hands on her bare skin. Everytime they were alone, the Baital stole passionate kisses.

Blue's magic sparked up her arm before she fired a bolt of lightning from her fingertips. The blast so violent it ripped the test dummy to pieces.

"Well done Blue." The teacher smiled. "Come on you guys, practice more!"

"Thousands of years of practice is probably useful." One of the students muttered.

"Indeed it does, so you better get to it." The teacher scoffed.

Levi smiled and looked over at Blue who charged up another bolt before blowing another dummy to pieces.

Levi charged her bolt and it burned a hole through the dummy's arm.

"Nice job." Blue smiled.

"I practice." Levi shrugged.

"Even the newbie is better than you scrubs!" The professor scoffed as he crossed his arms. "Build the magic in you before you release it. Channel it forward towards your target."

After a few more kids managed to blow up more of the dummies, the teacher eventually dismissed the class, allowing them to go free.

Levi waisted no time pulling Blue to their dorm. As soon as she closed the door she turned to pull Blue into a kiss when her door rung in a metallic humming sound, telling her that someone was trying to get her attention.

She turned around and opened the door, revealing Joe, Claire and Chris.

"Hey guys." Levi smiled brightly.

"Hey. Sorry we haven't really seen you around much. You don't show up to lunch, so we were worried." Joe said with a guilty smile.

Levi looked over at Blue who smiled softly before sitting on the couch watching her. Levi looked back at her friends and stepped aside, motioning for them to come in. "How about we have dinner then?"

"Sounds good!" Claire smiled.

Chris stepped in the room and bowed respectively to Blue getting her to look at him with curiosity. "I'm sorry for what I did to you and I'm sorry for any and all embarrassment I caused."

"You're fine." Blue answered. "It happens."

"So... She's here a lot?" Joe questioned as he looked at Blue.

"Well technically I'm her babysitter according to Red. But lately..." Levi turned to Blue. "Are we girlfriends?"

"Yes." Blue nodded. "If you'll have me."

Levi smiled and looked back at her friends. "Guess we're dating."

"Its only been a couple of weeks!" Claire announced.

Joe smiled softly. "Blue, is she your mate?"

Blue didn't answer, but a shy smile tugged at her lips.

"How romantic." Claire smiled.

"I'm your mate?" Levi questioned, but once again Blue didn't answer. "So that means she won't hurt me right? Not that I ever thought you would."

"I won't." Blue nodded. "Would you like help making Dinner?"

"Nope. It's fine." Levi answered as she headed into the kitchen. "Just play nice Blue, or else!"

"Sure." Blue rolled her eyes before looking over at Levi's friends who sat on the couch. Joe sat beside her as Chris and Clair sat on the two armchairs across from them.

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