Chapter 18

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Levi jumped when Joe slammed his book against her desk, startling her.

"What the hell is your problem?" She snarled, glaring up at him.

"What are you still doing here? Class is over." He told her.

Levi looked over at the clock before sighing and closing her own book. "I guess so."

"You didn't answer my question. Why are you still here?"

"I had to study."

"You can study with Blue."

"I can't actually." Levi smirked. "Red suggested I stay late after class."

"Why can't you... ohh... She's that distracting?" Joe raised an eyebrow. "She doesn't seem like the clingy type."

"She's not. I am." Levi answered as she packed her book into her bag and stood up. "I like it when we snuggle, and I'd much rather pay attention to her than my books."

"Never thought I'd hear you say that." Joe laughed.

"I never thought I would." Levi agreed as the two of them left the room and headed towards the cafeteria.

"So how's Red's new play thing?" Joe smirked.

"Her girlfriend." Levi laughed. "And it's a constant back and forth between them."

"Oh? Sounds fun."

"I guess you guys haven't met her yet have you?"

"I hope I'm going to today."

"Let's see if they're here today."

They entered the large cafeteria and noticed Claire and Chris were already sitting at their table waiting. Sure enough Red, Blue and Lyn made their way over. Joe and Levi grabbed food and sat beside them with Levi kissing Blue on the cheek.

"You two seem good together." Claire noted as she motioned towards Red and Lyn.

"I think so too." Lyn smiled.

"I agree." Red nodded.

"I'm glad you found someone that's not a piece of shit." Blue added.

"Unnecessary." Levi groaned.

"But true." Red agreed.

Chris and Joe burst out laughing. "You girls are nuts." The vampire told them.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Red raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

"He's just jealous because you get more-"

"LYN!" Levi snapped.

"I like her." Chris laughed again.

"She's taken." Red proved her point she pulled Lyn into a kiss.

"I am jealous!" Joe grumbled. "I want a girlfriend too. You four always look so happy."

"Finding your other half is pretty awesome." Levi explained lacing her fingers through Blue's where she picked at her food with her other hand. "It's a pain sometimes, but it always gives you a warm feeling."

"Well, I'm dead so I'd really like that." Joe rolled his eyes.

Claire leaned over and hugged the vampire with a grin. "How's that?"

"Good, but it's not the same." Joe frowned.

"Well you're not going to find anyone sitting on your ass talking to us." Red scoffed.

"True. Maybe I'll abandon you guys."

"Yeah right. You'd be bored." Chris scoffed. "You'd miss out on all the fun."

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