Chapter 21

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"Watch your step." Blue grabbed Levi and pulled her back as a carriage driver nearly ran her over on his way to make a delivery.

"Why is it so busy today?" Levi asked, taking Blue's arm, and trying to stay as close to her as she could.

"Ai said someone was coming to visit the tower, but the public wouldn't know about it unless someone saw them." Blue answered.

"Do you know who it was?" Levi questioned but Blue just shook her head. "We can do this another day if you want."

"That seems like a good idea." Blue agreed. As she turned to head back to the portal, a young man shouldered her, knocking her into Levi. As Blue steadied herself, a woman reached over Levi's shoulder and grabbed the red ribbon off Blue's neck, pulling the moonstone off her before bolting in the same direction as the man.

Blue snarled and dashed forwards, grabbing the woman by her cloak and throwing her onto the ground, towards Levi.

Levi winced at the sizzling sound Blue's skin made as the sun touched her cheek before she pulled the hood over her head.

The woman picked herself up and looked up in fear at Blue. "I-I didn't know you were a vampire! I'm sorry!" She announced, moving to her knees and holding the ribbon and stone up above her head towards Blue, trying to give it back. "Honest, I just need some money for food for me and my brother!"

The young man rushed forward and stood between the girl and Blue, holding a dagger towards the vampire. "Don't you touch her!" He shouted.

Blue sighed deeply and went into her pocket.

Don't do anything stupid Mani. Levi called out in thought to the vampire, not wanting to say anything as to get the boy to change his focus. A crowd was starting to gather to watch the confrontation.

"Can you give me back my Moonstone so I can give you some money?" Blue asked, showing the young man three silver coins before hiding her hand back in her pocket to shield them from the sun.

The girl stood up and pushed her brother's hand to the side, stopping him from pointing his dagger before stepping forward and handing the ribbon to Blue who clutched it in her hand before sighing deeply and holding out her other hand cautiously before placing the silver coins in the girl's hand.

The girl went to step back, but Blue held onto her hand, getting the girl to look up at the vampire with a bit of fear in her eyes.

"Do you want a job?" Blue asked.

"You'd give us a job?" The girl asked. "After we just robbed you?"

"You're doing what you have to do to survive." Blue explained, holding her hand out towards Levi who jogged over and took her hand, smiling softly.

"Who are you?" The girl asked, stepping back where her brother stood beside her, the two of them looking at the vampire with nothing but confusion.

"My name is Mani, and this is Levian. We're Keepers at the Wizard's Tower."

The two's eyes widened and they bowed quickly, as did a few people in the crowd. "We're so sorry!" The two shouted. "Please forgive us!"

Levi rolled her eyes. "She offers you a job and you think she hasn't forgiven you?"

The siblings stood up straight before exchanging glances. "Where would we be working?"

"At the Inn." Blue noted, motioning towards the inn behind them. "I know the owner well and I'm sure he would help you."

"Are you sure this is okay?" The man asked, looking from the inn back to Blue.

"I am. Walk in, and tell the owner that Blue sent you. Hand him this." Blue handed him another two silver coins. "For his trouble. And ask him to give you a room in return for working there." She explained.

Keepers of The Tower (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now