Chapter 11

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Levi expected Blue to be the one to wake her up, but instead she was woken by a wet dog nose on her face.

She flinched and opened her eyes finding Minerva sitting in front of her, her tongue lulled out of her mouth like the happy dog she was.

Levi smiled and pet the top of the wolf's head and snout. "Good morning to you too." Minerva licked her hand in agreement. "Do you want to come snuggle?"

Minerva answered by climbing onto the bed and plopping herself down on top if Levi, but with most of her weight on her legs as to not crush the mage. Minerva was a Direwolf after all.

Levi questioned how her bed supported the wolf, as she was massive, but soon pushed the thought aside. Minerva's fur was soft and very warm. Her head rested on the mage's chest happily.

Levi pet her behind the ears and closed her eyes again. Minerva might look scary, but in reality she was so gentle. She knew she was strong, and could easily hurt Levi if she wanted to, but the wolf was very careful.

"You're more snuggly than Blue." Levi laughed, getting Minerva to lick her chin. "Are you two a package deal? Cuz I think I'm okay with that... Wait... Why aren't you with Blue?"

The wolf tilted her head to the side, using her ear to point down.

"Ah. I bet she's making us dinner." Levi smiled. "Did she send you to wake me?"

Minerva answered by licking Levi's chin.

"Well, we probably shouldn't keep her waiting." Levi answered as she stretched. Minerva hopped off her and moved towards the door, allowing Levi to stretch again before heading downstairs with the wolf.

Sure enough, Blue was in the kitchen making stir fry.

"You don't have to cook for me you know." Levi laughed.

Blue didn't answer.

Minerva barked getting Blue to turn the stove off and turn around to look at them. "How was your nap?"

Levi laughed. "It was good. But you don't have to cook for me." She repeated.

"You're right. I don't. But I want to, so I will." Blue explained as she went back to cooking.

"You're too nice!" Levi laughed before sitting down at the island. Minerva laid down beside  her on the end, and watched Blue. "What are you making."

"Beef stir fry. You'll like it."

"It looks like you're making a lot..."

"Minerva needs to eat too."

"Alright then. You spoil her like you spoil me."

"I spoil who I like." Blue answered.

"Yeah you do." Levi agreed.

"And that's a problem?"

"I like it, but I don't want you to. I feel guilty."

"You feel guilty because I like to see you happy?" Blue questioned as she looked over her shoulder.

Levi stared at her before noticing that the Vampire's tail was swaying slightly like she was entertained.

"Blue... Are you teasing me?"

"No. Of course not." Blue answered, before going back to make food, her tail still swaying.

"I think you are." Levi smirked.

"What ever gave you that idea?"

"Mmm." Levi watched the demon finish up dinner before making two plates and putting the rest in a dog bowl that she put on the floor in front of Minerva. The wolf didn't even stand up, instead she used her paw to pull the bowl closer before eating slowly.

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