Chapter 24

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"Mani." Levi asked herself, not needing to shout since Blue couldn't hear her, and she was using her thoughts to hear anyway.

"Yeah?" The vampire answered from the living room as Levian was making dinner.

"Is Lyn doing okay?" Levi asked.

"She's doing well. She went to classes today as normal. But she fell asleep in every one." Blue answered, yawning halfway through. "She was never hurt, just drained."

"If her veil was drained, why didn't she turn into a dragon?"

"The veil changes a dragon's body to whatever they want to look like. So she wants to look human, so her body is human until she changes back."

"How come when dragons are in their dragon form, they turn human when they get their butt kicked?"

"Those dragons want to be human, or spend more time in their human form." Blue answered.

"Why are you always so tired? I thought with you using my mana you were fine?"

"I am fine. I'm just lazy." Blue confessed.

"That sounds about right." Levi laughed to herself. "Alright then. What do you want to do after we eat?"

"We can wander around the shop district."

"We can't leave the tower though."

"We won't. There is a shop district inside the tower, but it's mostly mage stuff like books and staves." Blue shrugged.

"I'm sure we can find something cool there." Levi grinned.

After eating the couple headed out towards the indoor shopping area exclusive to the members of the Tower. There were several book stores, wand and staff salesmen, and tons of artifact stores.

Levi quickly made her way into one of those artifact stores and examined the shelves. She was almost amazed by the little trinkets, but Blue didn't really look impressed.

Levi looked up at her curiously. "If you like making things like jewelry, why don't you when we're home?" She asked.

Blue shrugged. "I don't really have a need to."

"I'm kinda surprised you never made me anything."

"You don't wear jewelry." Blue noted.

"I'd wear something if you made it." Levi smiled softly, turning back to the small trinkets on the shelves, examining each one and their perfections.

"I know you would. So it has to be perfect." Blue admitted.

"You've been working on something then?"

"In my spare time."

"You don't have a lot of that." Levi laughed.

"When you're in your classes I do." Blue paused a moment, looking at a few small statues before looking back at Levi again to read her expressions.

"You're so lame." Levi smiled.

"I am." Blue agreed.

"Is there a post office in the Tower?" Levi questioned.

"We can go to your post office if you go there and back." Blue explained. "If we don't get distracted there shouldn't be anything to worry about."

"God knows we will though." Levi rolled her eyes.

"If we don't though." Blue repeated.

"Hey look at this cute little thing."

Blue leaned over to get a better look at the small trinket. It was a small pendent looking object engraved with letters Levi had never seen, but the picture of a fox face in the center got Levi's attention.

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