Chapter 29

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Blue groaned, turning her head and wincing at the light of the room. Levi jumped at the sound of her pulling against her bindings before looking around. The young mage let out a sigh of relief and leaned over her, touching her arm.

"How are you feeling Mani?" Levi questioned, though she didn't receive an answer. She blinked when she realized that her girlfriend wasn't in anyone's thoughts at the moment, and couldn't hear her. She gently took Blue by the face and forced her to look at her before pointing to her own lips. "Are you alright?"

Blue blinked slowly, still clearly very drowsy.

Can you hear my thoughts? Levi called, trying her best to push her thoughts into Blue's head. The vampire blinked before nodding slowly then going back to looking around the room. How are you feeling?

Blue pulled against her restraints then groaned. She attempted to speak, but the sounds didn't come out quite right. Her mouth moved properly, but her voice didn't agree with her. However Levi was able to fill in the blanks.

"Where's my sister?"

Red is in the other room. I just let her know you're awake so she should be here any second. You haven't answered my question. Levi answered.

Red and Lyn came into the room with Red rushing over towards the table like she was on a mission. She went to speak but then paused at her sister's expression. "Mani?" Red questioned, her expression grim. "Did he Cleanse you?"

Blue blinked slowly, before shaking her head weakly. "Seal." She managed.

"He sealed her?" Levi questioned. "Is that why she can't hear us? She's not able to get her thoughts out."

"Something in the blade is blocking her magic." Lyn sighed. "Why didn't any of us notice before?"

"We were busy trying to stop her from losing control." Red admitted. "But it's okay. She's not in any danger and it's not permanent."

Blue gave a thumbs up, even though she looked completely out of it.

"Can we take her out of the restraints?" Levi questioned.

"Yeah. Let's get her up." Red nodded, starting to undo the restraints on her side while Levi wasted no time getting to hers. The two of them then helped Blue sit up where she let out a tired sigh as they did. "You're going to be okay Mani." Red smiled softly.

Blue moved her hands and began speaking in Sign Language as she clearly didn't trust her voice anymore. Levi paused before looking very guilty as she realized after all this time she never bothered to learn Sign, even knowing her girlfriend was deaf.

"Don't look so upset Levi. Not many people in Exodious bother to learn Sign." Lyn nudged her with a smirk. "I know I didn't."

"Well your girlfriend isn't deaf." Levi retorted.

"Relax you two." Red rolled her eyes before watching her sister once more. "No, we didn't do anything crazy. Once you were down and out we brought him in and stayed here, waiting for you to wake up. We're not going to risk going out and possibly getting killed when we all know you're the best bet at taking this guy down." Red told her sister who scoffed and rolled her own eyes.

Blue looked over to Levi before taking her hand and smiling gently at her in an action that didn't need to be translated.

"Yeah, yeah." The mage returned the gentle smile. "I'm okay. I'm not the one who got stabbed."

Blue reached up behind Levi's neck and pulled her head down so their foreheads were touching as they both closed their eyes. It looked like Blue was concentrating for a moment before she gave up and attempted to smile.

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