Chapter 5

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Everyone stood around in awe for a few minutes before the other Keepers told everyone to move along. Honestly it was an impressive display by Blue who surprised everyone.

Even Levi expected her to at least light him on fire.

But when Levi went to find Blue, the twins were gone. She assumed they had snuck out to avoid the crowd so she didn't go looking.

Joe turned to Levi with a smile. "I can see you were right about her." He said.

"I told you!" Levi retorted. "She's been nothing but nice!"

"I believe you, and I think everyone else does too." Joe motioned towards Chris who was being yelled at by his sister for being so stupid and immature. "But the idiot was looking out for you."

"Threatening someone who's rumored to have beaten the crap out of people isn't the smartest thing to do." Levi answered.

"Obviously, but he paid for it." Joe laughed.

"Damn right. I kinda wish she hit him." Levi crossed her arms over her chest.

"But since she didn't I don't think people are going to believe those rumors anymore." Joe confessed. "She could have knocked him on his ass, but she didn't."

"She just told him off." Levi laughed. "I'll see them tonight. Meanwhile, shall we get some lunch while the line is empty?"

"After you."


"I'm so proud of you!" Red shouted as she plowed into her older sister, hugging her tightly as they entered their own dorm.

Their dorm was set up like a wooden cabin, out in the woods. It was a single floor with the kitchen and living room in the same room, and the bedrooms in the back.

Red knocked her sister onto the couch, still hugging her as tight as she could. Blue hugged her back, but no where near as enthusiastic.

"I'm glad, but why?"

"Because you didn't kill him!" Red admitted with a laugh. "I thought you were going to rip him in half!"

"I thought about it."

"I know you did! That's why I'm freaking out!"

"It would have proven his point about me." Blue admitted. "I'm not a monster."

"I know you're not. Now everyone knows you're not! You stood up for yourself without violence and I'm so proud of you!" Red hugged her even tighter if it was possible, and Blue smiled softly, burying her nose in her sister's neck.

"Go see Ai. I think you've earned it." Red leaned back and pet her sister's head. "I'll be heading to the cafe."

"Take Minerva." Blue offered as she motioned to the massive wolf laying next to the couch. Minerva raised her head and watched them as her name was called.

"You need her."

"Everyone's at lunch, no one's going to call me." Blue said as she pushed her sister off her and stood up. "She's right down the hall anyway, I'll be fine."

"If you say so." Red said as she pet Minerva's head. Minerva's tongue lulled out of her mouth happily as Red smiled at the dog. "Have fun."

"Mhm." Blue agreed as she headed out to visit Ai.

Red changed into her uniform and headed to the cafe just outside the library. There were a lot more people there today, less afraid of Blue after the whole ordeal.

Red smiled happily and gave out drinks and small pastries while the other students enjoyed pleasant conversations and lunch.

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