Chapter 17

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"Do you have any idea what could happen?" Blue asked, looking at her girlfriend for support as she pressed the small contraption against her sister's chest.

"I need to know Blue." Red confessed, also looking to Levian for help.

"Blue, your sister's a grown ass woman." Levian told her. "If she get's hurt she'll be able to deal with it herself."


"Blue." Red snapped, in a tone that surprised her sister enough to shut up as the dial was turned.

Red shivered, feeling the cravings and urges flood back into her mind and body. "I hate that." She muttered.

"Alright? Everything checks out. It'll wear off after a day unless I change you back manually." Levian explained. "Now. Let's start with the simple part. What comes to mind when you think about Lyndi?"

Red blinked, turning her head as she thought about her current lover. Her legs gave out and she found herself on her knees.

"Red?!" Blue called, kneeling beside her sister, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Red shuddered, and Levian and Blue both braced themselves for the worst, only to be surprised when it turned out the woman was laughing.

Red grabbed her sister by the front of her shirt and raised her head, showing off her brilliantly happy smile. "It's her Blue! It has to be! This feeling..." Her grin stretched ear to ear as her eyes started to tear up. "It's the same one you feel."

Levian and Blue both shared the same smile. "That's awesome Sol." Levian told her. "You should go see her."

"I-I should. I should! I need to tell her!" Red nodded before she and Blue stood up together. "I'll be back later. Thank you so much you two. Love you Blue." She kissed her sister on the cheek before bolting out of the room.

"So you feel that way about me?" Levian asked with a grin.

"There's something I want to tell you. But I don't really know how to say it." Blue said, looking to Levian with a bit of concern on her usual mask of a complexion.

"Is something wrong?"

"Not wrong. Just.. a slight story." Blue explained. "Can we sit?"

"Of course." Levian motioned for her to head into the living room. The two made their way over and sat beside each other on the couch. "Is everything okay?"

"I told you, nothing is wrong. I just want to make sure you were aware." Blue explained. "It's about why I already had a tail before I met you."

"I'm not your mate?"

"You are my mate." Blue explained. "This is just the second time we've met."

"Wait what?"


"No seriously. What did you say?"

"You are a reincarnation of the person I fell in love with." Blue explained. "I didn't realize until after the first time we had sex, but it made a lot of sense."

"So... You met my ancestor?"

"No. I met you."

"But I wasn't born before."

"You were reincarnated."

"But why?"

"Perhaps there was something you still needed to do... you were a boy last time by the way..."

"I was a dude!?"


"...Well... how did I die?"

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