Chapter 4

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Blue had turned off her mind reading powers just as the homeroom teacher walked into the classroom. Levi could tell right away because her nose was buried in her book, and the only time she would lower it was if someone stomped their foot or put something down.

Levi wondered if she really was paying attention. She decided to test the senses of her new friend.

She sat forward and tapped her fingers on her desk. Not loud enough to bother students, but enough to send a vibration through her desk. She used morse code, tapping a message.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that Blue had lowered her book and placed a hand on the top of her desk "listening" to the vibrations of Levi's taps.

Can you hear me? Don't cheat with mind reading.

Blue glanced at Levi, knowing it was her who was taunting her. No one else could hear the taps, but Blue's lack of hearing made her able to sense of touch much more acute. So she was easily able to "hear" the code being sent to her.

Touch your ear if you can hear me.

Blue smirked slightly and played with her ear lobe before leaning back, leaving her hand on her desk.

That's pretty awesome you know. Totally kick ass.

Blue's smile brightened a bit before she hid it behind her book and took her hand off the table, trying to hide her happy expression from the rest of the class.

Levi decided to leave the demon alone for now.

After class Levi stretched and headed back to her dorm. She crashed on her couch and yawned. She was having a good time being a Keeper. She honestly enjoyed the attention she received from everyone, and something about the twins entertained her even more.

Blue had her attention, completely. She seemed too gentle to be the monster that everyone said she was.

She assumed Blue had gone to the pool again. It might have been something that she enjoyed doing.

Levi didn't even notice the fact that she had fallen asleep, and Blue had entered her dorm. Minerva followed her closely, watching the sleeping girl for any sign of movement.

Blue set an apple on the table in front of the couch and turned to leave when Levi chuckled tiredly to herself.

"God can you be any more monstrous?"  Levi asked sarcastically.


"You brought me an apple." Levi answered. "Unless its poisoned, it means you care. So thank you."

"Its not poisoned."

"I was only teasing you." Levi laughed. "Thanks for the apple."

"Your welcome." Blue answered.

"Did you have dinner?"


"Would you like some?"

"If you'd like." She shrugged.

Levi laughed and got up where she made her way into the kitchen. Blue headed out then returned with a travel mug which she set on the table as she sat down.

Levi set the table and the two of them picked out their plates. Blue sipped at her mug and Levi had a glass of water. She didn't feel the need to talk, and it was a nice feeling. That Blue felt comfortable to just sit and enjoy the company of others without needing to come up with a conversation topic.

Which Levi was grateful for.

Blue finished her mug and yawned.

"You tired? You can go to bed." Levi offered.

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