Chapter 32

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"How are you feeling Mani?" Levi questioned, sitting beside the baital who was sitting on the couch with her head leaned back.

"Fine. Tired." Blue answered, raising her head to look at her. "How about you?"

"I was fine. Barely wasted any energy on kicking his ass." Levi smiled, leaning over and resting her head on Blue's shoulder. "Turns out the book was the grimoire that Vax stole from Ai's sister. Even better news though? Vax bound Isirona to that book and trapped her inside it."

"She's alive?" Blue asked.

"Yep. She's alive. Ai can sense her magic inside it and she's already working on trying to free her from it. So we might have our second Sentinal back in action."

"That'll be amazing." Blue nodded. "I haven't seen her in a long time." She then rested her head atop Levi's and sighed deeply.

"You alright?"

"I think I should call my sister."


"No." Blue smiled. "My older sister."

"You have an older sister you didn't tell me about?" Levi leaned back to look at Blue curiously.

"I do." Blue leaned forward, waving her hand in front of herself creating a small circle of magic in the air. She wrote a small message in the circle before waving it away.

"Did you send her a message?" Levi asked her.

"I did. Hopefully she'll either get back to me or come visit."

"You're not going to tell me her name?"

"I think you should meet her yourself." She smiled.

"Well... how long would it take for her to come visit?"

A purple portal opened in front of them where Blue just smirked as another woman stepped through the portal. She had the same red hair that Blue and Red had, but her eyes were a bright, neon purple. She smiled brightly as Blue stood up and opened her arms as the woman plowed into her with a hug.

"Hey there sis, it's been so long! You never call me!" The woman announced.

The door to the twin's dorm flew opened and Red stumbled in followed by Minerva. "Syl's here!?" Red called, trying to pick herself up and nearly getting trampled by the Direwolf that charged into the room.

The woman stepped back just as Minerva plowed into her, taking her off her feet as Lyn walked calmly into the room rolling her eyes. Red wasted no time in throwing herself into the literal dog pile to get to her sister.

"You can call us too." Blue noted.

Syl pried her way out from under Minerva, her face dripping with dog saliva only to have Red roll off the dog and onto her sister, landing on the woman. "You came to visit!" Red shouted.

"Ah! Sol! Ow!"

Levi raised an eyebrow and looked to Blue for an explanation but she just shrugged. "Sylvia doesn't visit very often."

"But you called her..." Levi noted.

Sylvia pushed her sister off, and rolled on top of her keeping her pinned before looking over at Levi curiously. "This is her!?"

"Yes." Blue motioned toward Levi.

Sylvia picked herself up only for Red to plow into her back and hug her tightly, making it pretty difficult for her to step towards Levi. "She looks just like him! Except... you know... she's a girl."

"Yes, she is." Blue chuckled.

"I'm so glad you're happy again Mani! You look better with a smile!" Sylvia explained happily, reaching over her shoulder, grabbing Red's shirt and pulling her forward, throwing her on the ground in front of her. "Are you done Sol?"

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