Chapter 12

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Levi yawned loudly as she sat in front of Ai.

"Immortality not agreeing with you?" Ai questioned.

"Yeah. I thought it'd be easier, but my body feels weird." Levi admitted.

"Well your blood is that of a vampire succubus."

"No, she was just a vampire when she bit me."

"Just because you changed her with your magic doesn't mean it was complete."Ai smirked. "So basically she made you immortal, but you feel the way she does."

"She feels like this all the time?!" Levi questioned.

"You'll feel better when you snuggle." Ai laughed. "Anyways, we have to talk about how many days you missed."

"Blue said I was out for a week." Levi sighed as she rubbed her neck.

"Normally, missing a week with no reason would result in an investigation.  However I trust Blue's judgment. I believe that you will actually try very hard to make up the work you've missed."

"I will. Blue collected all my work from my classes, and I'll spend the next few days going over everything and having my friends show me what I missed." Levi nodded.

"Thankfully Blue is just as good a teacher as she is a student." Ai smiled.

"That's good. On the bright side, I sense her emotions now too."

"And her presence?"

"She's outside waiting for me to come out, and she's worried that you're going to expel me."

Ai laughed. "Blue knows me better than that." She answered. "Well, you have a lot of work to get to, so I wish you luck with getting all that done. Have your teacher's given you a deadline?"

"No. I'm usually very very good with my work, so they understood I wouldn't have been out so much without a good reason. They think I just had a bad illness."

"I see. Well then I'd get everything done as quickly as you can then. So you have more time to spend with Blue." Ai smiled.

"Something tells me I'm going to be doing a lot of that." Levi smiled.

"Well, good luck getting your work done." Ai waved as Levi headed out.

"Thanks." Levi smiled and closed the door behind her, finding Blue standing right there with a slightly worried expression.

"I'm not expelled Blue, calm down."

"That's not what I was worried about." Blue rolled her eyes.

"Hey, so Succubi are constantly hot an bothered right?" Levi asked as they headed back for their dorm.

"Pretty much." Blue answered. "Why?"

"Cuz ever since you last bit me, I feel that way too." Levi admitted.

Blue smiled. "Sorry. I didn't even consider that would happen. After all a Baital has never made anyone immortal before."

"So why wouldn't it have worked if you had done it as you were?"

"Vampires and Succubi both have fangs, and they both have two different types of venom. Vampires have more of a paralyzing or calming affect, and their turning venom. Succubi have a aphrodisiac venom. At the same time, their blood is also very different and toxic to each other. If I had injected you with my blood without making me a pure vampire, it would have killed you."

"But vampires can control when they use venom can't they?"

"Succubi can't." Blue answered.

"But when you bit me before I didn't feel any different."

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