Chapter 14

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"Sol, Mani and Levian. I'm sorry it came to it, but you did well defending the café against Adrelle, Xylia and Jynova. They were causing quite the scene. Sebastian was let off as he didn't exactly do anything wrong. Witnesses say you only engaged them after they attacked you, so you have nothing to worry about. Thank you for doing your job."

The headmaster's speech was drilled into Levian's head, but she still felt like she was the one who did wrong. She could have done more. She could have defended Red more. But instead she practically took it up until the end.

Her teachers decided to let her off with the rest of her work, as she had done most of it when the incident happened. So she was back to having nothing to do except snuggle with Blue.

However she still felt worried about Adrelle's threat. She was going to find some way to make Blue' life hell as soon as she got the chance. There was no doubt about that.

Blue however, didn't seem bothered by the situation, and instead was as calm as she'd ever been. Maybe she didn't think that Adrelle would have a chance against her? Levi didn't know.

Blue was stretched out on the couch, her eyes closed like she was sleeping soundly. Levi sat in the armchair trying to figure out what to do about Adrelle if she ever decided to come back. She couldn't help but wonder how Blue could be so calm after what had just transpired.

They were in Blue and Red's dorm, waiting for Red to get out of the bath. Red came out a few minutes later, using a towel to dry off her hair. "Well, that was an eventful day wasn't it?" she sighed.

"Yeah, no kidding." Levi groaned. "How can she be so calm?"

"She's asleep." Red confessed.

"Really!? Already?" Levi questioned as she looked over at Blue in shock. "How can she pass out just like that?!"

"Not killing her probably took a toll on Blue's instincts." Red confessed. "Who knows."

"Really? Holding them back causes that much of a problem?"

"When I had half our instincts I couldn't tell you how hard it was to control myself. Of course I'd never dealt with them my whole life and she deals with all of it every day so, I'm probably just not used to it."

"Still, it makes me feel guilty that I didn't notice until just now." Levi admitted. "Do you think I can do something to help her?"

"Well you can sense how she feels the same way I can since she made you immortal right?" Red questioned.

"Well, I can sense where she is, and kinda what she's feeling. But I wouldn't say I always know. I just know that sometimes I have mood swings now."

"You'll get used to it." Red smiled. "Your brain is still getting used to the two sets of thoughts and emotions, so you don't yet know who's are who's."

"That sounds like it can get weird." Levi admitted.

"It does, but like I said, you get used to it. Remember you did really push yourself to become immortal. You made it so she could turn you."

"I know, I know. I never said I was ungrateful or that I regretted it." Levi laughed. "I'm happy where I am. Even though it feels like we just met, you guys are really, really important to me."

"Blue is your girlfriend, so I'm not surprised."

"You're important too Red. You're one of my best friends."

"Aww you're so cute."

"It's true though!" She smiled before looking at Blue. "And Mani... She's my entire world..."

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