Chapter 8

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Blue was sitting on her bookshelf, waiting for Levi to get out of class. Minerva was laying below her, a book opened under her paws. The wolf seemed to be reading the book, and every so often she would even turn the page.

A student came over and noticed the massive wolf, jumping a little before realizing who's it was.

The boy was young, barely into his teens. But he held his ground and walked up to the wolf. Minerva glanced at him before lowering her head so it rested a top the book she was reading, telling him that she was not aggressive.

The boy smiled and pet Minerva's side, as she was practically a horse laying on the ground.

Minerva let out a content sigh and closed her eyes allowing the boy to continue to pet her. Eventually he went back to looking for a book.

Blue glance down, as she usually did to make sure Minerva wasn't doing anything stupid. She noticed the boy only a few feet from Minerva and smiled.

"You're not afraid of Minerva?" She called down.

However, the boy didn't answer. He didn't even look up.

She paused before hopping down, landing behind the boy, but he still did not turn to face her, instead continued to look through the books.

Blue tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to face her with a look of confusion that soon turned to nervousness.

Blue just smiled and held up her hands before speaking in sign language.

"You're deaf?"

The boy's expression lit up in happiness before he nodded and responded in sign.

"How do you know sign?"

"You and I have something in common. But I have the luxury of being a vampire so I can hear people's thoughts. I wish I could help you."

"People don't know you're deaf?"

"No. I need to keep up an image so people won't bully me or my sister."

"I can understand that." He shrugged. "My name is Alan by the way. Nice to finally meet you Blue."

"Likewise." Blue smiled. "Do you want to hear the way I do? If only for a moment?"

He shook his head. "I've been deaf my whole life. I'm afraid that it might only increase the pain I feel. One day they will be able to fix it. That's why I work hard to stay here. If anyone can cure it it'll be someone at the Tower." He admitted. "I have studying I need to get to, but thank you very much for your offer. You're nice, and pretty." He said before running off.

Blue found herself smiling softly as she watched the boy jog off.

One of the gargoyles climbed down the bookcase and smiled. He looked like a stone monkey with a lizard's head, tail, claws, and wings. His eyes were yellow, and it's tongue flickered in and out of his mouth like a snake's.

"Blue, I didn't know you spoke sign language. When did you learn that?" He asked.

Minerva barked at the gargoyle, telling Blue that the creature was there. Blue glanced over at him curiously. "I've known for a while. Languages come easy to a vampire when you can read the minds of those around you." Blue explained.

"True!" The gargoyle agreed before climbing back up the shelf.

Blue climbed back up to her own shelf and went back to reading. She was to wait for Levi to come get her after she was finished with class.

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