Chapter 30

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Red watched the young man as he was glaring at several people walking around the village. He stopped once in a while and wrote something down in a leather bound journal before continuing on his way.

Lyn and Red followed him carefully, without giving him a chance to realize they were following him.

Blue and Levi were doing the exact same thing to an older woman on the other side of town. This woman was taking down far more marks than the man, and held a glare of much more hate. The woman was clearly part of this group far longer, and was certainly more adept at spotting demons.

Eventually though she entered a building and slipped into the back room without anyone noticing. Unfortunately for her, Blue and Levi were already on her trail, and didn't let her get by completely unnoticed. When she disappeared into the back, the two of them made their way over quickly.

The second Blue sensed any magic, she pushed opened a door and reached her arm forward where her magic collected in what appeared to be a giant blue hand that grabbed the woman and held her arms against herself, disrupting her ritual before it could even begin. A different man was unconscious and leaned against the wall in the center of a ritual circle.

They were in the storage room of a small shop, with some dried foods in bags on shelves, as well as several wooden boxes stacked against the walls around them. The room wasn't very big, but there was enough space for all of them to easily fit inside with plenty of room to move around it even though all the shelves were full.

"What?" The woman snarled. "How the hell did you-"

"Hi!" Levi smiled with a wave. "This is Mani, and she's not happy your friend tried Sealing her earlier."

Blue answered with an animalistic snarl.

"Well she got what she deserved!" The woman yelled, trying to struggle her way out of the binds, but Levi snapped her fingers and a seal of her own appeared under the magic hand holding the woman. Her magic fizzled out instantly and she knew she was very much trapped.

"And you're about to get what you deserve." Levi answered. See, Mani and her sister are the only two people in the Tower other than the Sentinels and Headmaster who know how to preform the Cleansing Ritual."

The woman's eyes lit up with fear. "Wait, no! Don't take my magic!"

"I won't." Blue confessed as she walked towards her, still holding her hand out in a closed fist in front of her. "Not until after I read your mind."

"No! Stop!"

"Do you realize how you are actually killing some of the demons that you Cleanse?" Levi questioned. "How you remove a vampire's ability to read minds, or a succubi's ability to take mana from people? Take Mani here, she's deaf, but you wouldn't know that. But if she can't read minds, she can't hear what people are saying, and that hurts her."

"I didn't- we're not doing that!"

"But you are doing that. You put a seal on her and made her lose control! Because you wanted her to go nuts and hurt someone, and you wanted to hurt her!"

"I didn't do that!"

"No, but your friends did. So since you think its okay to Cleanse innocent people like this, you leave us no choice but to take your magic away." Levi explained.

"I need my magic!"

"For what? Just to hurt people?" Blue scoffed. "I don't think so." She waved her free hand over Levi's seal and the color changed to blue as more lines began to draw themselves around the circle, and some of the symbols inside changed.

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