Chapter 15

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Levi didn't know how much Blue actually enjoyed being called Mani, but she could tell by the grin that stretched across the demon's face that it did make her fairly happy. It caused a nice reaction to come out of the woman.

Levi yawned loudly, stretching out on her bed. It had been a long few days, where her lover was helping other students, so Levi was left to her own devices for a while.

She found sleeping the most entertaining, since she was sick of studying for her classes for so long. But being apart from her Mani was almost painfully boring. She enjoyed getting the cute reactions out of her.

Levi opened her eyes as her door opened, but she knew it was one of two people, so she didn't move.

Blue crawled into her bed, on top of her and placed a gentle kiss on her collarbone. Levi smiled wrapping her arms around Blue's neck. "Welcome back."

Blue murred softly, letting out a slight grumble.

"Are you alright?" Levi questioned.

"Exhausted." Blue answered, falling limp atop her lover's chest, listening to the soft beating of her heart.

"Then rest." Levi told her, gently rubbing her nails across Blue's back.

"But you've been sleeping all day." Blue answered, and Levi could sense the demon's pout.

"But not with you. It's a welcomed change." Levi answered with a smile.

"Are you certain?" Blue questioned. "I don't want to bore you."

"You could never bore me. Get some rest. After all you have one more day of helping out with studies."

"I don't want to go." Blue grumbled. "Screw Red and her trying to make me get out more."

"She's being helpful you know." Levi laughed.

"Whatever." Blue grumbled. "I wish she'd give it a rest sometimes."

"Yeah, but you spend every other moment you have with me. So isn't it good to get out sometimes?" Levi questioned.

"I guess." Blue sighed. "But its not even that I need to spend time with you. I enjoy just cuddling like this."

"I do to. I'll be honest, I look forward to you coming home everyday." Levi squeezed her demon a little more.

"I'm glad."

"I don't think I've asked this, but when do you think you and Red will leave the Tower? When you do, I'd like to come with you."

"I'm not sure." Blue confessed. "New magics pop up each year, and Red and I enjoy learning them. But I don't know. Immortality is a long time to decide. But for now I'm content with the way things are. As long as I can be with you, I'm happy."

"I'm glad." Levi smiled brightly. "Now let's go to sleep. I have classes bright and early."

"Okay." Blue snuggled in closer, if that was even possible.


"Are you sure?"

"Another new one?"

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