Chapter 27

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"So how many attacks were there?" Levi questioned.

"Only two other attacks on vampires, and we did find remnants of the Cleansing spell." Ai explained, sitting at her desk. Levi, Lyn, Blue and Red stood in front of her, and the Headmaster stood behind her facing the students.

"Due to the explicit attacks on vampires we're issuing a city wide warning to all vampires. As much as I'd like to avoid a panic, I don't want to risk lives." The headmaster explained.

"Good to hear." Lyn muttered.

"How are you feeling Lyndi?" Ai asked.

"Back to normal." Lyn smiled nervously, like she hoped no one heard her comment.

"Good." Ai nodded before folding her hands on her desk like she was about to deliver bad news before turning and looking at the headmaster who sighed deeply.

"I don't like the idea of sending you four, but Ai and I know you're the best chance we have since Kai, Chysolite and Sarah aren't here." The headmaster explained. "But you're still not to leave the city, otherwise there'll be no way we'd get to you in time if anything went wrong."

"What do you want us to do then?" Levi asked.

"You'll go in pairs around the city, trying to find the man. Due to your succubus natures you two should be able to sense when he uses Cleansing magic again." Ai shrugged, nodding to Red and Blue who exchanged glances before looking back at the Sentinel nervously. "I don't want to put any of you in harms way, but unfortunately you're the best chance we've got. We sent a message to Lady Rose so perhaps help is on the way, but they haven't answered so we can't be sure."

The Headmaster went to say something, but Ai stood up from her desk and sighed. "I must also warn you that this has become more personal." She explained.


"The man who's been attacking vampires has stolen something important from me."

"You're grimoire?" Red questioned.

"Indeed. It was a gift from my sister before she vanished, and contained powerful spells. It was a prototype of a book she was creating for student use, and the first one she made. It was considered too dangerous for use however because instead of just holding simple spells, it also contained the forbidden ones. The book was sealed away in a Vault inside my dorm so I have no idea how he was able to take it." Ai sighed deeply.

"The book is top priority and must be returned before he gives it to someone else. Someone who might use it to hurt more than just vampires." The Headmaster explained.

"My sister's book was never meant to be used for monsterous acts like this, and I can't allow him to go unpunished." Ai's eyes were filled with nothing but guilt.

"We'll get your book back Ai." Red smiled, reaching over the desk to rest her hand on her friend's shoulder.

"We'll split up and head into the city." Levi noted. "Since all four of us can think to each other it should be easy to corner him if we do find him."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Lyn growled as she cracked her knuckles. "I want some payback."

"Me too." Red agreed.


"This seems too simple." Levi sighed. She was holding Blue's hand as they walked through the city just waiting for something to go wrong.

"I was thinking the same thing." Blue admitted. "If something does happen, it'll be too easy. He wouldn't be dumb enough to attack us again."

Unless he also wants some payback. Came Red's thoughts.

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