Chapter 22

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"Red! Red no! Don't you dare Red! Fuck!"

Blue didn't even flinch as the crashing and breaking of furniture echoed from somewhere behind her.

Not that she could hear it.

But even when Minerva tried to alert her to the chaos, she simply pet her happily and went back to reading on the couch.

Red peeked her head out from the kitchen, making sure Blue wasn't paying them any attention, then she looked back to Lyndi with a grin, as the dragon was hanging upside-down by a magic sigil. Red chains wrapped around the dragons limbs keeping her bound and hanging.

"There is no consent to this." Lyndi growled.

"You said I could practice a spell on you." Red rolled her eyes.

"This was before you explained it was a binding spell!" Lyndi snapped.

"What are you afraid of?" Red smirked.

"This is not the kind of 'fun' I like!" Lyndi growled.

"Relax, that's not why I'm using it on you. I'd never purposely go through perfecting a spell to tie down a lover." Red assured her.

Lyndi blinked. "Then what's it for?"

"My own protection. Not from you of course, but you're the only friendly dragon I know."

"Are you expecting trouble?" The dragon tested her wrists, trying to loosen the bindings, but they only seemed to tighten. "Can I at least be the right side up? I'm getting light headed."

Red waved her hand and Lyndi spun so she was no longer upside-down. The dragon let out a content sigh before motioning with her head and fingers for Red to explain.

"Ai explained that there's been a bit of trouble lately with a rogue mage stealing things from the library. Most of it was how magic affects demons in their everyday lives, and a ritual to remove magic from a person."

"Are you scared you're a target?"

"I think the whole school is a target a the moment, but yes, they might come after me."

"You have nothing to worry about. No ones going to come after you. You don't have enemies." Lyndi rolled her eyes.

"That I know of!" Red answered. "What if someone attacks me and you or Blue isn't around? I'm no where near as strong as either of you, so I have to practice magic to defend myself that way." She explained.

"Why not get a pet?" Lyndi suggested as Red snapped her fingers and freed the dragon from her bindings. Lyndi landed gracefully on her feet where she put one hand on her hip and watched her girlfriend.

"I dunno... Minerva was hard enough to train." Red sighed.

"You're not training a service animal." Lyndi laughed. "You're training a protector."

"I can protect myself." Red answered. "I don't need a pet for the few seconds I'm away from you."

"If you say so." Lyndi shrugged.

"I'll be fine, but having that last bit of tricks is what makes me know I'll be fine." Red smile. "Plus, I am a master of summoning. So I can just summon something to help me."

"Don't you need your hands to make a sigil to summon?" Lyndi asked.

"That's rookie level skill." Red waved her off. "Do you want to go get food in the village?"

"Sounds good." Lyndi smiled. "Otherwise I can cook for you."

"You've earned a break." Red kissed her lightly, before taking her hand and leading her out of the kitchen. Just as she was heading to the door, Blue cleared her throat.

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