Chapter 25

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"You're the worst." Lyn laughed, sitting in the living room of the twin's dorm with a glass of blood.

"It wasn't that bad." Red scoffed, rolling her eyes as she leaned back into the couch from beside her girlfriend.

"You could have gotten in trouble."

"He knows me. He wasn't gonna say anything."

"You stole a three layer cake right off his counter."

"Technically I dropped it into my pocket dimension." Red shrugged with a grin.

"That's still stealing." Lyn retorted. "But thanks for the cake."

"I left a silver coin for him." Red admitted. "So technically I didn't steal."

Lyn yawned before sticking her fork in the cake that was sitting on the coffee table and tasting it. "Mmm. At least you have good taste in cake."

"I just grabbed the biggest one they had." Red admitted, taking her own bite. "But yes, I do have good taste. You look more awake than earlier."

"I'm a little drowsy, but otherwise I feel pretty normal." Lyn answered, taking another mouthful of cake. "Plus, I'm sure this sugar won't hurt either."

"It's good to have you awake." Red smiled. "We can give the left over cake to Blue and Levi."

"Hell no." Lyn glared. "This is my sick cake, no one but you and I are getting any."

"If you say so." Red leaned over so she was resting against Lyn who was happily eating her cake and drinking blood. "On the bright side, I bet it's a nice feeling to eat cake when you're tired."

"It's not bad." Lyn agreed. "So other than baby sitting me, any plans for today?"

"Well Levi and my sister are gonna go swimming later. If you don't think you'll drown we can go with them."

"I don't think putting me in water would be a good idea today. I might feel better now but I also might just pass out in an hour."

"I guess that's true." Red sighed.

"You can still go of course."

"Yeah, but I don't have fun without you being there." Red admitted. "I spend the whole time wondering how you're doing."

"That's not healthy."

"I never said it was, but it's how it is." Red grinned.

"Come on Minx. You don't have to worry about me all the time."

"Just because I don't have to doesn't meant that I won't." Red smiled. "So don't worry about it."

"Well, why don't we go have a little fun?"

"Why? So you can pass out in the middle of it?" Red raised an eyebrow.

"That wouldn't happen." Lyn rolled her eyes. "I'm not that tired."

Red sat up and grabbed a handful of cake before smiling devilishly at her lover who raised her eyebrow, wondering what the succubus intended to do before her eyes widened just as she smeared the cake on her face.

"What the hell Minx?" Lyn grumbled, wiping frosting off her face.

"I know one way to wake you up." Red admitted.

"I want to actually eat my cake." Lyn narrowed her eyes.

Red leaned over and licked Lyn's cheek getting the dragon to stare at her curiously. "You can enjoy your cake and eat it with that I have in mind."

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