Chapter 23

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"So someone tried to steal your magic?" Ai questioned.

"We think they were specifically targeting vampires. There was nightshade in our drinks." Lyn explained. "But we were in a room filled with other innocent people, so I don't exactly know what the plan was."

"You were drugged?" Blue raised an eyebrow.

"We only had one sip, not enough for it to cause any effect. At least not a noticeable one." Red answered. "So we can focus on the bigger issue, which is someone in the village targeting vampires."

"Why would someone do that?" Levian asked, looking worried.

"They've probably been attacked by them in the past, and blame the whole race for their misfortunes." Ai explained. "So we should expect that they have a grudge against all vampires, not just you three."

"He tried the Cleansing on a vampire working at the restaurant. The ritual was very faulty though, and curable, but it may have caused damage to his mana pools. Or even his instincts." Red explained. "But I can't be certain till he wakes up."

"This man is very dangerous, and I'm going to have several of the Keepers patrolling the village below, just to be safe." Ai explained. "But I'll have to keep vampires in the tower until we deal with the threat. That includes you three."

"What?! But we fended him off!" Red whined.

"If Blue didn't show up when she did can you be certain Lyn would have been safe?" Ai asked, her expression stern but her eyes betrayed her mask. She didn't want to have her two best friends locked up in the tower, but she didn't have much of a choice if she wanted to keep them safe.

Red looked to Lyn sadly, but the Dragon offered no support. If Red had started a spell, it's very likely that he would have killed Lyn. Being that close to death makes being confined to the tower seem like a godsend.

"You have a point." Red muttered.

"I wouldn't do this if I didn't care Sol. You know that." Ai explained. "All my students are basically my own children, and I don't want anything to happen go them."

"I know Ai." Red sighed deeply. "I know you're just looking out for me, but it does suck."

"I know. Unfortunately we don't have a way to catch this guy yet. We could use you as bait to draw him out, but I think he'll be more cautious now that he knows there's two of you." Ai explained.

"But we don't know if he really believes that Lyn is a Blood Dragon." Red noted.

"Well all she has to do is show some scales and he'll learn." Blue noted.

"I don't grow scales." Lyn rolled her eyes. "Dragon's don't shift like other races. We have a veil created by magic that forces our body to change. Our immunity to magic is also caused by that veil. It swallows magic." Lyn explained.

"But then how come you're still immune to magic when you're in your dragon form?" Levi questioned.

"Because the veil is always there."

"Even feral dragons?"

"Feral dragons have a veil yes. They just can't control it like we can."

"Speaking of which, besides sentience, what's the difference between a feral dragon and a non feral one? Like, how do you get one and not the other?"

"Feral Dragons are a different race. They're like the chimps to a human. They come in all shapes and sizes, from Wyverns, to Knucklers, Lungs, and Phoenixes-"

"Phoenixes are dragon's?" Levi's eyes widened.

"There are two types of Phoenix. The bird, and the dragon. The dragon version is a snake with feathery wings. The best representation of this in history would be Kukulkan, from Mayan mythology." Ai explained.

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