Chapter 31

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Blue pushed opened the front door blocking the waves of magic that were thrown at her just by holding up her hands. Red rushed in behind her and vaulted over her sister's shoulder. Before her feet even hit the ground, a wave of pure energy was thrown from her fingertips that knocked all the mages off their feet.

As the four mages tried to pick themselves up, Lyn rushed in with Blue, each of them grabbing two of the mages by the necks and lifting them off the ground.

"Try to cast a spell, please, I dare you." Lyn snarled. Her eyes changing color to be a sickly yellow, revealing herself to be a dragon, while the fangs that she bared told a different story. The people she was holding whimpered in fear, not daring to upset a Blood Dragon.

The two Blue were holding flew out of her grasp and slammed against the wall. They hung there like there was a force pushing their entire bodies against it while a ritual circle appeared beneath both of them.

"If you fools like using the Cleansing Ritual so much, you will all recieve one!" Red shouted holding her hand towards the ones Lyn was holding, getting them to fly over to the oposite wall where the same thing happened to them.

The mages begged, and pleaded for a change of heart, but even they knew that it was a fruitless attempt. They had broken a sacred trust and would never be able to get away with it. They would lose their ties to magic, and never again be able to harm anyone ever again.

The twins dropped their mages and moved deeper into the building just as a few other Keepers entered lead by Levi. Blue, Red and Lyn lead the way through the corridors, disabling any mages who dared cross their paths while the other Keepers pushed into other rooms and knocked out some other mages who were dumb enough to try fighting against highly trained mages.

Eventually the guards became much weaker, like they were not used to using magic at all. Blue simply flicked her wrist and two of them were knocked off their feet as she made her way into the large basement.

Levi regrouped with her friends, leaving the rest of the Keepers to secure the upper floors then head down when they were finished. Blue and Red made it down into the basement unscathed, but when Blue opened the last door a sigil appeared beneath her feet as the door swung opened. Blue's eyes rolled back in her head and she fell face forward like she had been paralized.

"Mani!" Red shouted. She held up a barrier over herself and her sister just as a blast of flame slammed into it.

"I see they sent their favorite students." Came a burly man's voice. He chuckled a bit, holding a very deadly looking staff towards them. The staff was made from decayed roots and vines, and the gemstone at the end was a sickly green.

The room they entered into was clearly a study of some kind with desks and bookshelves lining nearly every wall. The man was standing just in front of an alter but a bit off to the side so it could be clearly seen. Levi didn't reconize the symbols on it, but she could assume that they had something to do with this Vax person that was mentioned before. A single leatherbound book was resting on the alter just over a small dark purple sigil.

"You serve Vax, don't you." Red growled.

"If you're smart, even you would serve him." The man answered, motioning to his staff with his free hand. "If someone can give me a weapon like this, one that can overpower any mage, why wouldn't I follow him?"

"Because it's the wrong thing to do!" Red snapped as Lyn and Levi moved up beside her, both standing on either side of Blue as Red was now crouched over her sister trying to wake her with healing magic.

"Wrong or right is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is who is left."

"It won't be you." Lyn growled, tightening her fists so tightly the skin on her knuckles seemed to tear revealing jet black scales.

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