Chapter 16

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"You know what could have happened."


"What if you got hurt?"

"I didn't." Red groaned at the game of twenty questions she was playing with her sister.

"You know what happened last time you 'fell' for someone?" Blue crossed her arms over her chest.

"Adrelle is a monster. Lyn isn't." Red answered.

They were seated in their dorm, in the living room. Blue had left Levi in her bed to talk to Red who had just gotten home after being gone most of the day.

After her fun with Lyn, she had wandered around the Tower trying to understand why she just went straight for it.

Why did all her reason go out the window with Lyn? She lost herself so quickly she had no chance to catch herself.

"You don't even know her Sol. She admitted to drugging you."

"She was burning the Nightshade before I got there." Red scoffed. "Don't go pretending like she knew I was coming."

"What if she did? You didn't even think it through!"

Red sighed, knowing raising her voice would only further to progress the argument. "Mani, I'm home, I'm safe, and I feel great. I can't take back what I did, so please just stop."

"I worry..." Blue admitted, getting Red to smile softly.

"I know." Red answered. "Go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

"Please don't do anything stupid." Blue sighed as she stood up before heading back into Levi's dorm.

Red sighed deeply, wondering if she had really screwed up with Lyndi. Why did her body react the way it did? She just threw herself at the dragon with no other thoughts.

Red leaned forward and sighed, covering her eyes. What had gotten into her?

Nightshade for good luck? Why did she need luck? She was making a potion she clearly knew the recipe to. But it was a vampire potion, used to reflect sunlight. Since the dragon was part Pureblood Daybreaker, she wouldn't have a use for it...

Then why was she making it?

Red had helped her with the other Keepers. Perhaps that was it. The dragon merely wanted to pay her back.

But then why didn't she feel like that was the case? Even if she was burning Nightshade, she had said that it didn't affect her because she had no instincts. But Red didn't have instincts either... So why did she throw herself at the dragon?

If they were mated, wouldn't she have her tail?

Perhaps not, considering Red couldn't even transform into a demonic form. Blue could change into her succubus form, but Red was never able to.

Perhaps she had to fall in love the old fashion way. Without actually knowing.

She didn't know if she liked the idea or not.

She leaned back on her couch and closed her eyes. She didn't know when she fell asleep, but she was kind of glad she did. Her thoughts were running rampant, trying to understand why she did what she did.

She woke when her sister shook her and the two headed out to find something to do while Levian was in class.

Sure enough as she walked into her class there was Lyndi speaking to Adrelle and her two pets. Red cringed, knowing that the siren would twist Lyndi's understanding of Red.

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