Chapter 7

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Levi found getting out of bed harder than she expected. She didn't want to move. She wanted to stay wrapped up in her lover's strong arms.

Blue let out a soft sigh into Levi's neck, as she was snuggled into her. Levi wanted to laugh, but she knew that she would wake her. Even if she was deaf, being this close she would shake the poor girl awake.

Instead she gently ran her fingers through her companion's red locks, enjoying the softness they held.

Blue yawned before rubbing her head into Levi's shoulder, her eyes opening, illuminating the wall ahead of her. "How long have you been awake?" She questioned.

"Not long." Levi answered. "I was just enjoying your warmth."

"Mmhm." The demon murred in content. Over the past few days, Blue had greatly enjoyed snuggling with her lovable new girlfriend. Every morning she awoke feeling a thousand percent. Leeching the mana off someone for 8-10 hours a day tends to do that to a succubus.

Levi noticed this too, as the first few nights they were together Blue never wanted to get up, like she was constantly tired. But lately she's been up with Levi as soon as the mage got up.

But there was also the matter of: Did they really want to get up?

"Mmm." Levi agreed.

"What time is it?" Blue questioned.

"No clue." Levi confessed. "There's a clock on the wall."

"I'll look later." Blue yawned.

Levi smiled happily. "I have class."

"I know."

"I have to get up."

"I know."

"You're not going to get up are you?"

"Nope." Too prove her point she snuggled her head against Levi's shoulder and pulled the mage closer to her if it was even possible.

"Thought not." Levi smiled. "Re-e-ed, I know you can hear me-e-e. Help me get Blue up ple-e-ease."

Blue groaned. "Cheating."

"Sorry hun, I don't have much of a choice."

"It's only six thirty! We have time!" Blue complained, seeming to be trying to claw something out of her ear. Levi assumed Red was filling the vampire's thoughts with some kind of noise.

"True... But I still have to get ready." Levi admitted.

"No." Blue retorted, holding on tighter.

"Blue! Hurting me!"

Blue released her hammer lock on her lover allowing her to move a bit without completely giving her back her freedom.

At the same time Levi wouldn't mind skipping a class or two to keep snuggling with Blue.

However Blue looked to be having a tough time clearing her thoughts of her sister's influence, and it made Levi curious of what was being done.

Blue whined, trying to break free of her sister's influence getting the better of her. Levi laughed and leaned in, capturing the vampire's lips with her own. Blue paused for a moment before returning the kiss. Red seemingly gave up her assault due to the PDA.

They continued kissing for a few more seconds before Levi leaned back with a smile. "Do you want me to stay?" Levi questioned.

"Mhm." Blue answered, her eyes still closed.

Levi laid back down, resting her head on Blue's chest. The vampire wrapped her arms around the magician with a content sigh of happiness.

"I can miss my first class I guess." Levi shrugged. "I'm top of my class anyway."

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