i haven't done this in a while

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it's time for a double tag! i was tagged by gay-anime-freak and lucatheloser to do this questions thing you know the 13 one but anYWAYS i'm not tagging anyone whoops!

favorite movie?

the perks of being a wallflower was excellent

favorite book?

i'll give you the sun by jandy nelson is slowly becoming it

makoharu or rinharu?

makoharu whOOPS

anime character you relate to the most?

this is really hard, but i'd have to say tanaka. tries to be hard core, actually isn't, is very loud and sometimes stupid, is single while everyone around them is getting into cute relationships wowowowow

countries you want to visit?

japan is my number one, but new zealand would be awesome

dream job / life goals?

i've always wanted to be a teacher, and as for life goals, i'd really like to live with someone i'm close with outside of my family, whether it be a significant other or just a friend

if you were to live more than one life on earth, would you choose to be a serial killer in one life if you would never get caught just to see what it's like?

honestly, yes

anime parents?

daichi and sugawara. this was obvious,,

what languages can you speak?

only english currently, but i'm most likely taking spanish next year

current obsessions?

haikyuu and playlists about love

what stereotypes are true about the place you live in?

i didn't want to do just america so i'm doing my state lmao

1. while we're the first ones to complain about our state, we're also the first ones to demand respect for it. people in my state are very prideful in the state.

2. any drive that takes more than twenty minutes is too long

3. people in our state love the state's accent

4. no one freaks out about storms? we lit just go stock up at bj's or cumberland farms lmao

5. everyone here is a gossip hound facts

6. we're awful drivers

favorite food?

french fries are the way to my heart

favorite haikyuu rare pair / cross ship?

kageyama x tsukki bYE

do you have pets?

i wiSH

what makes you feel alive?

writing and being happy with it is the most exhilarating feeling

what are your pronouns?

she / her

zodiac / birthday?

capricorn / december 23 (:

favorite pizza topping?

just cheese whoops

if you could marry any fictional character, who would it be?

dipper from gravity falls he's cute as fuck and is really smart??? plus i'd laugh at all of his jokes a match made in heaven

kuroken or kurotsukki?

kuroken i honestly don't really ship kurotsukki?

eye color?


first fandom / anime?

one direction was my first fandom but sword art online was my first anime

do you have / want a tatto? what is it / would it be?

i don't have any tattoos but i'd like to get a small outline of saturn 

like this, except on my right ring finger because it'll be a pun like staurns rings?? on my ring finger??? hahahahahahahahaha i'm sorry

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

like this, except on my right ring finger because it'll be a pun like staurns rings?? on my ring finger??? hahahahahahahahaha i'm sorry

have you smoked / drank?

nope and nope

have you ever been to a concert?

no, but i'm going to panic! at the disco and 5sos this summer

i'm not tagging anyone because i'm lazy, soz !

oh dear! more of sam's rants are hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat